Introduction to Elastic Beanstalk
As discussed in the introduction to this chapter, Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS offering from AWS that allows you to focus on application code and features rather than worry about the surrounding infrastructure required to support your application. To this end, Elastic Beanstalk is somewhat opinionated in its approach and generally works in a specific way. Elastic Beanstalk does leverage other AWS services as much as possible, and tries to take the effort and complexity out of integrating with these services, which works well if you follow the way Elastic Beanstalk expects you to use these services. If you are running a small team in a small to medium sized organization, Elastic Beanstalk can bring a lot of value to the table, providing lots of functionality out of the box. However, as soon as your organization grows and you look to optimize and standardize the way you deploy, monitor, and operate your applications, you may find that you outgrow the individual...