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Learn Apache Mesos

By : Manuj Aggarwal
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Learn Apache Mesos

By: Manuj Aggarwal

Overview of this book

Apache Mesos is an open source cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications or frameworks. This book will help you build a strong foundation of Mesos' capabilities along with practical examples to support the concepts explained throughout the book. Learn Apache Mesos dives straight into how Mesos works. You will be introduced to the distributed system and its challenges and then learn how you can use Mesos and its framework to solve data problems. You will also gain a full understanding of Mesos' internal mechanisms and get equipped to use Mesos and develop applications. Furthermore, this book lets you explore all the steps required to create highly available clusters and build your own Mesos frameworks. You will also cover application deployment and monitoring. By the end of this book, you will have learned how to use Mesos to make full use of machines and how to simplify data center maintenance.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)

Adding a Mesosphere repository in CentOS

In order to add the mesosphere repository, run and install a command, as shown:

After this, install ZooKeeper with yum by running the sudo yum install mesosphere-zookeeper command. This will install ZooKeeper on CentOS:

We can see the mesosphere-zookeeper package with version 3.4.6 from the mesosphere repository, and the size is 2.8 MB.

This screenshot shows that the package has been installed:

Now, install the Mesos master and Mesos slave, as shown:

We can see the mesos package version 1.5 from the mesosphere repository, and the size is 76 MB.

Hence, this will download and install Mesos, which will comprise the Mesos master and slave service, as seen here: