- adapted feature detection
- about / Adapted feature detection
- adaptive thresholding
- about / Adaptive thresholding
- algorithm design
- Strategy design pattern, using / Using the Strategy pattern in an algorithm design, How to do it…, How it works…
- anchor point
- aperture / Image formation
- backward mapping / How it works...
- Beucher gradient / How it works...
- BGR color space / Backprojecting color histograms
- BGR image
- converting, into phenomenal color space / How to do it…
- bicubic interpolation / Interpolating pixel values
- binary edge map
- obtaining / How it works...
- binary features
- keypoints, describing with / Describing keypoints with binary features, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK) detector
- bins
- about / Computing the image histogram
- bounding box / How it works...
- brightness
- about / How it works…
- callback function
- about / Clicking on images
- camera
- calibrating / Calibrating a camera, How to do it..., How it works...
- calibrating, with known intrinsic parameters / Calibration with known intrinsic parameters
- calibrating, grid of circles used / Using a grid of circles for calibration
- Canny algorithm
- Canny operator
- image contours, detecting with / Detecting image contours with the Canny operator
- working / How it works...
- channel index / How it works...
- CIE L*a*b*
- about / Getting ready
- CIE L*u*v* color space
- about / How it works…
- CIE XYZ color space
- about / How it works…
- circles
- detecting / Detecting circles
- closing / How it works...
- CMake tool
- URL / How to do it...
- about / How to do it...
- codec
- about / There's more...
- codec four-character code
- about / The codec four-character code
- color histograms
- backprojecting / Backprojecting color histograms
- color lightness
- about / How it works…
- color reduction
- formulas / Other color reduction formulas
- input arguments / Having input and output arguments
- output arguments / Having input and output arguments
- color reduction function
- signature / How to do it...
- color representations
- converting / Converting color representations, How to do it…, How it works…
- colors
- representing, with hue / Representing colors with hue, saturation, and brightness
- representing, with brightness / Representing colors with hue, saturation, and brightness
- representing, with saturation / Representing colors with hue, saturation, and brightness
- saturation channel / How to do it…
- hue channel / How to do it…
- used, for skin tone detection / Using colors for detection – skin tone detection
- color value
- about / How it works…
- components' contours
- extracting / Extracting the components' contours, How to do it..., How it works...
- components' shape descriptors
- connected components / Extracting the components' contours
- content-based image retrieval
- continuous images
- scanning / Efficient scanning of continuous images
- Controller
- Controller class / How to do it…
- Controller design pattern
- used, for communicating with processing modules / Using a Controller design pattern to communicate with processing modules, How to do it…, How it works…
- convex hull / How it works...
- convolution / How it works...
- corners
- detecting, in image / Detecting corners in an image, How to do it..., How it works...
- cv**absdiff function / How it works...
- cv**abs operator / How it works...
- cv**add function / How it works...
- cv**approxPolyDP function / How it works...
- cv**BFMatcher function / Cross-checking matches
- cv**bitwise_and operator / How it works...
- cv**bitwise_not operator / How it works...
- cv**bitwise_or operator / How it works...
- cv**bitwise_xor operator / How it works...
- cv**blur function / How to do it...
- cv**boxFilter function / How it works...
- cv**BRISK class
- about / How it works...
- cv**calBackProject function / How it works...
- cv**calcHist function / How to do it...
- parameters / How it works...
- cv**calibrationMatrixValues / How it works...
- cv**Canny function / How to do it...
- cv**circle function / Detecting circles
- cv**contourArea function / There's more...
- cv**convexityDefects function / How it works...
- cv**cornerHarris / How to do it...
- cv**cuberoot operator / How it works...
- cv**DescriptorExtractor
- about / How to do it...
- cv**DescriptorMatcher class
- about / How to do it...
- cv**dilate function / How to do it...
- cv**divide function / How it works...
- cv**DMatch
- about / How it works...
- cv**DMatch object
- about / How to do it...
- cv**drawMatches class
- about / How to do it...
- cv**ellipse function / How it works..., There's more...
- cv**erode function / How to do it...
- cv**exp operator / How it works...
- cv**FeatureDetector abstract class / The feature detector's common interface
- cv**findContours function / How to do it..., There's more...
- cv**findFundamentalMat function / Refining the fundamental matrix
- cv**findHomography method / How it works...
- cv**fitEllipse function / There's more...
- cv**fitLine function / How to do it...
- cv**GaussianBlur function / How to do it...
- cv**GC_BGD / How to do it...
- cv**GC_FCD / How to do it...
- cv**GC_PR_BGD / How to do it...
- cv**GC_PR_FGD / How to do it...
- cv**getDerivKernels function / How to do it...
- cv**getPerspectiveTransform function / Detecting planar targets in an image
- cv**getTickCount() function / How to do it...
- cv**getTickFrequency() method / How to do it...
- cv**GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector class / The feature detector's common interface
- cv**goodFeaturesToTrack function / Good features to track
- cv**grabCut function / How to do it...
- cv**HoughCircles function / Detecting circles
- cv**HoughLines function / How to do it...
- cv**HoughLinesP function / How to do it...
- cv**InputArray / The input and output arrays
- cv**integral function / Visual tracking using histograms
- cv**Keypoint class / The feature detector's common interface
- cv**Laplacian function / How to do it...
- cv**line function / How to do it...
- cv**log operator / How it works...
- cv**LUT function / How to do it...
- cv**matchTemplate function
- about / How to do it..., There's more...
- cv**Mat class / How it works...
- cv**Mat data structure
- exploring / Exploring the cv::Mat data structure, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- input array / The input and output arrays
- output array / The input and output arrays
- IplImage structure / The old IplImage structure
- old IplImage structure / The old IplImage structure
- cv**Mat_ template class / The cv::Mat_ template class
- cv**max operator / How it works...
- cv**merge function / Splitting the image channels
- cv**minAreaRect function / How it works..., There's more...
- cv**min operator / How it works...
- cv**moments function / How it works...
- cv**morphologyEx function / How to do it...
- cv**MSER / How to do it...
- cv**multiply function / How it works...
- cv**OutputArray / The input and output arrays
- cv**Point2f function / How to do it...
- cv**Point function / How to do it...
- cv**pointPolygonTest function / There's more...
- cv**Point structure / Drawing on images
- cv**polylines function / How to do it...
- cv**pow operator / How it works...
- cv**Range structure / How it works...
- cv**saturate_cast function / How it works...
- cv**saturate_cast function
- about / Overloaded image operators
- cv**Scalar function
- about / Overloaded image operators
- cv**sepFilter2D function / How it works...
- cv**sqrt operator / How it works...
- cv**subtract function / How it works...
- cv**sum function / How to do it...
- cv**Vec3b / How it works...
- cv**VideoCapture object / How it works..., How it works...
- cv**VideoWriter class
- using / How to do it...
- cv**waitKey function / How it works..., There's more...
- cv**watershed function / How it works...
- cvLoadImage function / The old IplImage structure
- 1D Gaussian function
- about / How it works...
- 2D Gaussian filter
- applying, on image / How it works...
- depth of field / Image formation
- descriptors / Introduction
- Difference of Gaussians (DoG)
- about / Difference of Gaussians
- dilation
- about / How it works...
- directional filters
- applying, for detecting edges / Applying directional filters to detect edges, How to do it..., How it works...
- distance, between color vectors
- computing / Computing the distance between two color vectors
- distance thresholding / Distance thresholding
- distinctive regions
- extracting, MSER used / Extracting distinctive regions using MSER, How to do it..., How it works...
- downsampling
- image / Downsampling an image
- edge detection
- directional filters, applying for / Applying directional filters to detect edges, How to do it..., How it works...
- performing / Applying directional filters to detect edges
- empty method / How to do it...
- epipolar constraint / How it works...
- epipolar line / Getting ready
- epipole / Getting ready
- erosion
- about / How it works...
- extrinsic parameters / How it works...
- about / Detecting features quickly
- FAST-9 corner detector
- about / How it works...
- FAST feature detector
- about / How it works...
- FAST features
- detecting, at at multiple scales / Detecting FAST features at multiple scales, How it works...
- feature descriptors
- feature detectors' common interface / The feature detector's common interface
- feature point matching
- about / Matching local templates
- feature points
- about / Introduction
- tracking, in video / Tracking feature points in a video, How to do it..., How it works...
- features
- used, for tracking application / Good features to track
- quick detection / Detecting features quickly, How it works...
- field of view / Calibrating a camera
- filter
- about / Introduction
- filtering
- about / Introduction
- foreground objects
- extracting, with GrabCut algorithm / Extracting foreground objects with the GrabCut algorithm, How to do it..., How it works...
- extracting, in video / Extracting the foreground objects in a video, How to do it..., How it works...
- frame rate
- about / Introduction
- frames
- about / Introduction
- about / FREAK
- frequency domain
- about / Introduction
- frequency domain analysis
- about / Introduction
- function object
- about / The functor or function object
- functor
- about / The functor or function object
- fundamental matrix
- refining / Refining the fundamental matrix
- fundamental matrix, of image pair
- fundamental optical flow constraint equation / How it works...
- Gaussian derivatives
- about / Gaussian derivatives
- getImageOfHistogram method / How to do it...
- GrabCut algorithm
- used, for extracting foreground objects / Extracting foreground objects with the GrabCut algorithm, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Extracting foreground objects with the GrabCut algorithm
- gradient / How it works...
- gradient operators
- about / Gradient operators
- Prewitt operator / Gradient operators
- Roberts operator / Gradient operators
- Scharr operator / Gradient operators
- Graph Cuts algorithm / How it works...
- gray-level histogram
- computing / How to do it...
- Hamming norm
- about / How to do it...
- highgui module / How it works..., There's more...
- histogram
- about / Computing the image histogram
- computing / How to do it...
- stretching / Stretching a histogram to improve the image contrast
- backprojecting / Backprojecting a histogram to detect specific image content, How to do it..., How it works...
- histogram, of color images
- computing / Computing histograms of color images
- Histogram1D class / There's more...
- histogram backprojection
- histogram comparison
- used, for retrieving similar images / Retrieving similar images using the histogram comparison, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- histogram equalization
- about / Equalizing the image histogram
- performing / How to do it..., How it works...
- histograms
- visual tracking / Visual tracking using histograms
- homogeneous coordinates / How it works...
- homography
- computing, between two images / Computing a homography between two images, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Getting ready
- planar targets, detecting in image / Detecting planar targets in an image
- Hough transform
- used, for detecting lines in images / Detecting lines in images with the Hough transform, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Detecting lines in images with the Hough transform
- HSB color space
- about / How it works…
- HSV color space
- about / There's more…
- hue
- about / How to do it…, How it works…
- hysteresis thresholding / How it works...
- image
- remapping / Remapping an image, How it works...
- corners, detecting / Detecting corners in an image, How to do it..., How it works...
- image-scanning loops
- image-scanning process
- implementing, pointers used / Scanning an image with pointers, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- implementing, iterators used / Scanning an image with iterators, How to do it..., How it works...
- with neighbor access / Scanning an image with neighbor access, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- image arithmetic
- performing / Performing simple image arithmetic, How to do it..., How it works...
- image arithmetic operators
- image channels
- splitting / Splitting the image channels
- image contours
- detecting, with Canny operator / Detecting image contours with the Canny operator, How to do it..., How it works...
- image emboss effect / How to do it...
- image histogram
- computing / Computing the image histogram, How to do it..., How it works...
- equalizing / Equalizing the image histogram, How to do it..., How it works...
- image masks
- using / Using image masks
- image pair
- fundamental matrix, computing / Computing the fundamental matrix of an image pair, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- image patch
- about / Matching local templates
- image plane / Image formation
- image pyramids / Downsampling an image
- images
- loading / Loading, displaying, and saving images, How to do it..., How it works...
- displaying / How to do it..., How it works...
- saving / How to do it..., How it works...
- clicking on / Clicking on images
- drawing on / Drawing on images
- ROI, defining / Defining regions of interest, How to do it..., How it works...
- retrieving, histogram comparison used / Retrieving similar images using the histogram comparison, How to do it...
- eroding, morphological filters used / Eroding and dilating images using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- dilating, morphological filters used / Eroding and dilating images using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- opening, morphological filters used / Opening and closing images using morphological filters, How it works...
- closing, morphological filters used / Opening and closing images using morphological filters, How it works...
- edges detecting, morphological filters used / Detecting edges and corners using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- corners detecting, morphological filters used / Detecting edges and corners using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- segmenting, watersheds used / Segmenting images using watersheds, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- filtering, low-pass filter used / Filtering images using low-pass filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- downsampling / Downsampling an image
- pixel values, interpolating / Interpolating pixel values
- filtering, median filter used / Filtering images using a median filter, How it works...
- contrast, enhancing with Laplacian / Enhancing the contrast of an image using the Laplacian
- matching, random sample consensus used / Matching images using a random sample consensus, How to do it..., How it works...
- image sensor / Image formation
- in-place / How to do it..., How to do it...
- integral images
- pixels, counting with / Counting pixels with integral images, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Counting pixels with integral images, There's more...
- adaptive thresholding / Adaptive thresholding
- visual tracking, with histograms / Visual tracking using histograms
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) / How to do it...
- Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) / There's more…
- IPL (Intel Image Processing) library / The old IplImage structure
- IplImage structure
- using / The old IplImage structure
- converting, to cv**Mat object / The old IplImage structure
- IPP (Intel Integrated Performance Primitive) library / The old IplImage structure
- iterators
- used, for image-scanning process / Scanning an image with iterators, How to do it..., How it works...
- kernel / How it works...
- keypoints
- about / Introduction
- describing, with binary features / Describing keypoints with binary features, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- K kernel / How it works...
- L2 norm / How it works...
- Laplacian
- about / Computing the Laplacian of an image, There's more...
- used, for enhancing contrast of image / Enhancing the contrast of an image using the Laplacian
- Laplacian image
- computing / How to do it..., How it works...
- Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) / How it works...
- learning rate
- lines
- detecting in images, with Hough transform / Detecting lines in images with the Hough transform, How to do it..., How it works...
- fitting, to set of points / Fitting a line to a set of points, How to do it..., How it works...
- local intensity patterns
- describing / Describing local intensity patterns, How to do it..., How it works...
- local templates
- matching / Matching local templates, How to do it..., How it works...
- look-up table
- applying on image / Applying look-up tables to modify the image appearance, How it works...
- about / How to do it...
- applying, on color images / Applying a look-up table on color images
- low-level pointer arithmetics
- about / Low-level pointer arithmetics
- low-pass filters
- used, for filtering images / Filtering images using low-pass filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / There's more...
- makefiles / How to do it...
- mask / How it works...
- matches
- cross-checking / Cross-checking matches
- refining / Refining the matches
- mathematical morphology
- about / Introduction
- mean shift algorithm
- median filter
- used, for filtering images / Filtering images using a median filter, How it works...
- about / How it works...
- minimum enclosing circle / How it works...
- Mixture of Gaussian method
- about / The Mixture of Gaussian method
- Model
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
- moments / How it works...
- morphological filters
- used, for eroding images / Eroding and dilating images using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for dilating images / Eroding and dilating images using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for opening images / Opening and closing images using morphological filters, How it works...
- used, for closing images / Opening and closing images using morphological filters, How it works...
- used, for detecting edges of image / Detecting edges and corners using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for detecting corners of image / Detecting edges and corners using morphological filters, How to do it..., How it works...
- mosaicking
- about / How to do it...
- used, for extracting distinctive regions / Extracting distinctive regions using MSER, How to do it..., How it works...
- nearest neighbor strategy / Interpolating pixel values
- neighboring pixels
- accessing, for image scanning / Scanning an image with neighbor access, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- ++ operator / How it works...
- octave
- OpenCV
- about / Installing the OpenCV library
- URL / Getting ready, There's more...
- developer site, accessing / The OpenCV developer site
- OpenCV applications
- running, with Qt / Running the example with Qt
- OpenCV developments
- Qt, using for / Using Qt for OpenCV developments
- OpenCV functions
- using / Using OpenCV functions
- OpenCV library
- installing / Installing the OpenCV library, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- opencv_core module / How it works...
- opencv_imgproc module / How it works...
- opencv_highgui module / How it works...
- opencv_features2d module / How it works...
- opencv_calib3d module / How it works...
- opencv_video module / How it works...
- opencv_objdetect module / How it works...
- online documentation / There's more...
- opencv_calib3d module / How it works...
- opencv_core module / How it works...
- opencv_features2d module / How it works...
- opencv_highgui module / How it works...
- opencv_imgproc module / How it works...
- opencv_objdetect module / How it works...
- opencv_video module / How it works...
- opening / How it works...
- OpenMP / There's more…
- ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)
- ORB algorithm
- about / How it works...
- ORB detector
- ORB feature-detection algorithm
- overloaded image operators
- about / Overloaded image operators
- phenomenal color spaces / Representing colors with hue, saturation, and brightness
- pin-hole camera model / Image formation
- pixels
- about / Introduction
- counting, with integral images / Counting pixels with integral images, How to do it..., How it works...
- pixel values
- accessing / Accessing pixel values, How to do it..., How it works...
- pointer arithmetic
- about / Scanning an image with pointers
- pointers
- used, for image-scanning process / Scanning an image with pointers, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- polygonal approximation / How it works...
- Prewitt operator
- about / Gradient operators
- principal point / Calibrating a camera
- processing modules
- communicating with, Controller design pattern used / Using a Controller design pattern to communicate with processing modules, How to do it…, How it works…
- ρ parameter / Getting ready
- Qt
- about / Using Qt for OpenCV developments
- using / Using Qt for OpenCV developments
- benefits / Using Qt for OpenCV developments
- download link / Using Qt for OpenCV developments
- used, for running OpenCV applications / Running the example with Qt
- quadrilaterals
- detecting / Quadrilateral detection
- radial distortion / How it works...
- radiusMatch method / Distance thresholding
- random sample consensus
- used, for matching images / Matching images using a random sample consensus, How to do it..., How it works...
- RANSAC (RANdom SAmpling Consensus) / How it works...
- ratio test
- performing / The ratio test
- re-projection error / How it works...
- remapping
- images / Remapping an image, How it works...
- resolution / Calibrating a camera
- RGB color space
- about / Getting ready
- Roberts operator
- about / Gradient operators
- defining / Defining regions of interest, How to do it..., How it works...
- running average
- salt-and-pepper noise / Getting ready
- saturation
- about / How to do it…, How it works…
- computing / How it works…
- scale-invariant features
- detecting / Detecting scale-invariant features, How to do it..., How it works...
- Scharr operator
- about / Gradient operators
- set of points
- lines, fitting to / Fitting a line to a set of points, How to do it..., How it works...
- SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)
- about / There's more...
- SIFT feature-detection algorithm
- Signals and Systems theory
- about / Introduction
- skin tone detection
- performing / Using colors for detection – skin tone detection
- Sobel filter
- using / How to do it...
- about / How to do it...
- Sobel operator / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- spatial aliasing / Downsampling an image
- spatial domain
- about / Introduction
- Standard Template Library (STL)
- about / Scanning an image with iterators
- std**Vec6f function / How it works...
- std**vector function / How to do it...
- stereovision / Computing the fundamental matrix of an image pair
- Strategy design pattern
- about / Using the Strategy pattern in an algorithm design
- using, in algorithm design / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- structuring element
- Sum of Squared Differences (SSD)
- about / How to do it...
- support set / How it works...
- SURF feature detector
- about / How to do it...
- template matching
- about / Template matching
- trace / How it works...
- trichromatic
- about / Introduction
- unsigned characters / How it works...
- video
- feature points, tracking / Tracking feature points in a video, How to do it..., How it works...
- foreground objects, extracting / Extracting the foreground objects in a video, How to do it..., How it works...
- video frames
- processing / Processing the video frames, How to do it..., How it works...
- image sequence, processing / Processing a sequence of images
- frame processor class, using / Using a frame processor class
- video sequences
- View
- visual tracking
- histograms, used / Visual tracking using histograms
- watersheds
- used, for segmenting images / Segmenting images using watersheds, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- workspaces / How to do it...