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Data Analysis with Python

By : David Taieb
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Data Analysis with Python

By: David Taieb

Overview of this book

Data Analysis with Python offers a modern approach to data analysis so that you can work with the latest and most powerful Python tools, AI techniques, and open source libraries. Industry expert David Taieb shows you how to bridge data science with the power of programming and algorithms in Python. You'll be working with complex algorithms, and cutting-edge AI in your data analysis. Learn how to analyze data with hands-on examples using Python-based tools and Jupyter Notebook. You'll find the right balance of theory and practice, with extensive code files that you can integrate right into your own data projects. Explore the power of this approach to data analysis by then working with it across key industry case studies. Four fascinating and full projects connect you to the most critical data analysis challenges you’re likely to meet in today. The first of these is an image recognition application with TensorFlow – embracing the importance today of AI in your data analysis. The second industry project analyses social media trends, exploring big data issues and AI approaches to natural language processing. The third case study is a financial portfolio analysis application that engages you with time series analysis - pivotal to many data science applications today. The fourth industry use case dives you into graph algorithms and the power of programming in modern data science. You'll wrap up with a thoughtful look at the future of data science and how it will harness the power of algorithms and artificial intelligence.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Data Analysis with Python
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  • @PixieApp: Class annotation that must be added to any class that is a PixieApp.

    Arguments: None


    from import *
    class MyApp():
  • @route: Method annotation required to denote that a method—which can have any name—is associated with a route.

    Arguments: **kwargs. Keyword arguments (key-value pairs) representing the route definition. The PixieApp dispatcher will match the current kernel request with a route according to the following rules:

    • The route with the highest number of arguments get evaluated first.

    • All arguments must match for a route to be selected. Argument values can use * to denote that any value will match.

    • If a route is not found, then the default route (the one with no argument) is selected.

    • Each key of the route argument can be either a transient state (defined by the pd_options attribute) or persisted (field of the PixieApp class that remains present until explicitly changed).

    • The method can have any number of arguments. When invoking the method, the PixieApp dispatcher will try to match the method argument with the route arguments with the same name.

    Return: The method must return an HTML fragment (except if the @captureOutput annotation is used) that will be injected in the frontend. The method can leverage the Jinja2 template syntax to generate the HTML. The HTML template has access to a certain number of variables:

    • this: Reference to the PixieApp class (Note that we use this instead of self because self is already used by the Jinja2 framework itself)

    • prefix: String ID that is unique to the PixieApp instance

    • entity: The current data entity for the request

    • Method arguments: All arguments of the method can be accessed as a variable in the Jinja2 template

      from import *
      class MyApp():
          @route(key1=”value1”, key2=”*”)
          def myroute_screen(self, key1, key2):
              return “<div>fragment: Key1 = {{key1}} - Key2 = {{key2}}”


  • @templateArgs: Annotation that enables any local variable to be used within the Jinja2 template. Note that @templateArgs cannot be used in combination with @captureOutput:

    Arguments: None


    from import *
    class MyApp():
        @route(key1=”value1”, key2=”*”)
        def myroute_screen(self, key1, key2):
            local_var = “some value”
            return “<div>fragment: local_var = {{local_var}}”
  • @captureOutput: Annotation that changes the contract with the route method, so that it doesn’t have to return an HTML fragment anymore. Instead, the method body can simply output the results as it would in a Notebook cell. The framework will capture the output and return it as HTML. Note that you cannot use Jinja2 template in this case.

    Arguments: None


    from import *
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    class MyApp():
        def main_screen(self):
  • @Logger: Add logging capabilities by adding logging methods to the class: debug, warn, info, error, critical, exception.

    Arguments: None


    from import *
    from pixiedust.utils import Logger
    class MyApp():
        def main_screen(self):
            self.debug(“In main_screen”)
            return “<div>Hello World</div>”