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Hands-On Graph Analytics with Neo4j

By : Estelle Scifo
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Hands-On Graph Analytics with Neo4j

By: Estelle Scifo

Overview of this book

Neo4j is a graph database that includes plugins to run complex graph algorithms. The book starts with an introduction to the basics of graph analytics, the Cypher query language, and graph architecture components, and helps you to understand why enterprises have started to adopt graph analytics within their organizations. You’ll find out how to implement Neo4j algorithms and techniques and explore various graph analytics methods to reveal complex relationships in your data. You’ll be able to implement graph analytics catering to different domains such as fraud detection, graph-based search, recommendation systems, social networking, and data management. You’ll also learn how to store data in graph databases and extract valuable insights from it. As you become well-versed with the techniques, you’ll discover graph machine learning in order to address simple to complex challenges using Neo4j. You will also understand how to use graph data in a machine learning model in order to make predictions based on your data. Finally, you’ll get to grips with structuring a web application for production using Neo4j. By the end of this book, you’ll not only be able to harness the power of graphs to handle a broad range of problem areas, but you’ll also have learned how to use Neo4j efficiently to identify complex relationships in your data.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Section 1: Graph Modeling with Neo4j
Section 2: Graph Algorithms
Section 3: Machine Learning on Graphs
Section 4: Neo4j for Production

Understanding graph properties

Graphs are classified into several categories, depending on the properties of the connections between nodes. These categories are important to consider when modeling your data as a graph, and even more so when you want to run algorithms on them, because the behavior of the algorithm might change and create unexpected results in some situations. Let's discover some of those properties with examples.

Directed versus undirected

So far, we've only talked about graphs as a set of connected nodes. Those connections can be different depending on whether you are going from node A to node B or vice versa. For instance, some streets can only be driven in one direction, right? Or, the fact that you are following someone on Twitter (there is a Follows relationship from you to that user) doesn’t mean that user is also following you. That’s the reason why some relationships are directed. On the contrary, a relationship of type married to is naturally undirected, if A is married to B, usually B is also married to A:

In the right-hand side graph, directed, the transition between B and A is not allowed in that direction

In Neo4j, all relationships are directed. However, Cypher allows you to take this direction into account, or not. That will be explained in more detail in Chapter 2, The Cypher Query Language.

Weighted versus unweighted

As well as direction, relationships can also carry more information. Indeed, in a road network for instance, not all streets have the same importance in a routing system. They have different lengths or occupancy during peak hours, meaning the travel time will be very different from one street to another. The way to model this fact with graphs is to assign a weight to each edge:

In the weighted graph, relationships have weights 16 and 4

Algorithms such as shortest path algorithms take this weight into account to compute a shortest weighted path.

This is not only important for road networks. In a computer network, the distance between units may also have its own importance in terms of connection speed. In social networks, distance is often not the most important property to quantify the strength of a relationship, but we can think of other metrics. For instance, how long have those two people been connected? Or when was the last time user A reacted to a post of user B?

Weights can represent anything related to the relationship between two nodes, such as distance, time, or field-dependent metrics such as the interaction strength between two atoms in a molecule.

Cyclic versus acyclic

A cycle is a loop. A graph is cyclic if you can find at least one path starting from one node and going back to that exact same node.

As you can imagine, it's important to be aware of the presence of cycles in a graph, since they can create infinite loops in a graph traversal algorithm, if we do not pay enough attention to it. The following image shows an acyclic graph versus a cyclic graph:

All those properties are not self-exclusive and can be combined. Especially, we can have directed acyclic graphs (DAG), which usually behave nicely.

Dense versus sparse

Graph density is another property that is important to have in mind. It is related to the average number of connections for each node. In the next diagram, the left graph only has three connections for four nodes, whereas the right graph has six connections for the same amount of nodes, meaning the latter is denser than the former:

Graph traversal

But why worry about density? It is important to realize that everything within graph databases is about graph traversal, jumping from one node to another by following an edge. This can become very time-consuming with a very dense graph, especially when traversing the graph in a breadth-first way. The following image shows the graph traversals in which breadth-first search is compared to depth-first search:

Connected versus disconnected

Last but not least is the notion of connectivity or a connected graph. In the next diagram, it is always possible to go from one vertex to another, whatever pair of vertices is considered. This graph is said to be connected. On the other side of the figure, you can see that D is isolated - there is no way to go from D to A, for example. This graph is disconnected, and we can even say that it has two components. We will cover the analysis of this kind of structure in Chapter 7, Community Detection and Similarity Measures. The following image shows connected versus disconnected graphs:

This is a non-exhaustive list of graph properties, but they are the main ones we will have to worry about within our graph database adventure. Some of them are important when creating the whiteboard graph model for our data, as we will discuss in the next section.