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Instant HTML5 2D Platformer

By : Aidan Temple
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Instant HTML5 2D Platformer

By: Aidan Temple

Overview of this book

Game development has traditionally only been accessible to those with experience in computer science and access to the best or most expensive development tools. However, with the advent of technologies such as HTML5 and the ability to self-publish, web-based games such as those on Facebook and smartphones are becoming more attractive to develop than ever before. Through the use of open technologies such as HTML5, anyone with even a basic understanding of games development can begin to develop video games in their spare time and publish them to the Web or as an application for mobile devices. Instant HTML5 2D Platformer is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step, task-based exercises, which are used to discuss game development and put into practice development techniques through the use of HTML5 and JavaScript. This book looks at the creation of a 2D platform-based game using the HTML5 canvas element. Instant HTML5 2D Platformer introduces you to HTML5 canvas through a number of exercises, which show what the canvas is capable of. The book contains a number of clear, practical, hands-on tasks that incrementally build on the concepts of game creation and result in a 2D HTML5 platform-based game. By undertaking the tasks within this book, you will learn how to develop your own 2D HTML5 game framework that you can use in the creation of your own video games, not just the game developed within this book. Alongside this framework you will learn how to develop and understand 2D animation, game logic, and how to handle user input devices.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Handling user input (Must know)

This task will outline and demonstrate the necessary steps required to handle the keyboard input in order to move the player sprite around the canvas. This will be done by looking at how to handle different states of any given key on the keyboard and updating the players position each frame by modifying both the Player and ObjectManager objects in order to do so.

How to do it...

  1. To support keyboard input within our application, we firstly need to modify the player object to monitor the state of each key pressed as well as updating the position of the player in each frame.

  2. To begin with, we will outline a series of variables that will be used to determine the velocity of the player, that is, the direction and speed at which the player is moving.

    this.velocity = 50;
    this.up = false;
    this.down = false;
    this.left = false;
    this.right = false;
  3. Next we will create two functions, which are used to determine whether or not a key has been pressed or released. More specifically, we will determine the state of each of the arrow keys as well as the W, A, S, D keys.

    this.keyDown = function(key) {
    if (key.keyCode == 38 || key.keyCode == 87)
    this.up = true;
    if (key.keyCode == 40 || key.keyCode == 83)
    this.down = true;
    if (key.keyCode == 37 || key.keyCode == 65)
    this.left = true;
    if (key.keyCode == 39 || key.keyCode == 68)
    this.right = true;
    this.keyUp = function(key) {
    if (key.keyCode == 38 || key.keyCode == 87)
    this.up = false;
    if (key.keyCode == 40 || key.keyCode == 83)
    this.down = false;
    if (key.keyCode == 37 || key.keyCode == 65)
    this.left = false;
    if (key.keyCode == 39 || key.keyCode == 68)
    this.right = false;
  4. Each of these functions performs a number of checks to determine whether a key has been pressed or released. As a result these checks determine in which direction the player should move if a certain key has been pressed.

  5. In order to move the player in the direction in question, we must update the number of units the player has moved each frame by introducing an Update function to the player object as follows:

    this.Update = function (deltaTime, context, deltaX, deltaY) {
    this.y -= this.velocity * deltaTime;
    this.y += this.velocity * deltaTime;
    if (this.left)
    this.x -= this.velocity * deltaTime;
    if (this.right)
    this.x += this.velocity * deltaTime;
  6. The next step required is to initialize keyboard input and call both the KeyDown and KeyUp events inside of the InitObjectManager constructor as follows:

    document.onkeydown = function(key){objectManager.keyDown(key);}
    document.onkeyup = function(key){objectManager.keyUp(key);}
  7. Once a key is pressed, each of the previously declared events trigger one of two corresponding functions, which we will now declare below the InitObjectManager constructor.

    this.keyDown = function(event) {
    for (obj in this.objects) {
                if (this.objects[obj].keyDown)            
    this.keyUp = function(event) {
    for (obj in this.objects) {
                if (this.objects[obj].keyUp)
  8. The final step required is to modify the object manager's Draw function. Replace the for loop within our Draw function with the modified loop as follows:

    for (obj in this.objects) {
    if (this.objects[obj].Update) {
    this.objects[obj].Update(deltaTime, this.context, this.deltaX, this.deltaY);
    if (this.objects[obj].Draw) {
    this.objects[obj].Draw(deltaTime, this.context, this.deltaX, this.deltaY);

How it works...

In order to move the player, we first began by declaring the velocity, which includes the speed or pixels the player moves per frame. This velocity also includes the direction in which the player moves, that is, up, down, left, or right. Each direction is a Boolean value and is initially set to false.

In order to determine whether or not the player wishes to move in one of these four directions we then implemented two functions. Each of which determines the state of a given key on the keyboard.

This is done through means of the KeyDown and KeyUp functions declared within the Player object. Both of these functions determine if any of the arrow keys or the W, A, S, or D keys have previously been pressed or released. As a result, the KeyDown function returns true if a key has been pressed and the KeyUp function returns false if no key is being pressed. More information on key numbering or a list of ASCII and JavaScript key codes can be found at the website

We then implemented an Update function within the player object, which moves the player in the direction determined by the Boolean variables previously declared. This update function is called within the draw function of the object manager object. These directional values correspond to a key press, that is, if the up arrow key is pressed the up value returns true and the Update function moves the player sprite 50 pixels up the canvas and similarly for the down, left, and right directional values.

In order to determine if the player has pressed or released a key we must first implement a prebuilt JavaScript event for each of these states. This is achieved through the onkeydown and onkeyup event handlers within our object manager object.

Each of these event handlers call their corresponding KeyDown and KeyUp functions. These functions are also declared within the object manager object and are used to loop through each game object and in return call the KeyDown and KeyUp functions within the player object. In order to see the player sprite moving on the screen, we then finally implement a call to update and draw each game object 30 times a second.