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Enterprise Internet of Things Handbook

By : Arvind Ravulavaru
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Enterprise Internet of Things Handbook

By: Arvind Ravulavaru

Overview of this book

There is a lot of work that is being done in the IoT domain and according to Forbes the global IoT market will grow from $157B in 2016 to $457B by 2020. This is an amazing market both in terms technology advancement as well as money. In this book, we will be covering five popular IoT platforms, namely, AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, Google IoT Core, IBM Watson IoT, and Kaa IoT middleware. You are going to build solutions that will use a Raspberry Pi 3, a DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor, and a dashboard to visualize the sensor data in real-time. Furthermore, you will also explore various components of each of the platforms that are needed to achieve the desired solution. Besides building solutions, you will look at how Machine Learning and IoT go hand in hand and later design a simple predictive web service based on this concept. By the end of this book, you will be in a position to implement an IoT strategy best-fit for your organization
Table of Contents (12 chapters)

Azure IoT

In the last chapter, we saw how to work with the AWS IoT platform. We integrated an IoT Thing, which is our Raspberry Pi 3, along with a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. We have seen how to view the device shadow, and how to set rules and index data into the AWS Elasticsearch service. Then, using Kibana, we visualized the data in real time.

In this chapter, we are going to achieve all of these using the Azure IoT platform.

The topics covered in this chapter are as follows:

  • Azure IoT architecture
  • Setting up an end-to-end solution using Azure IoT
  • Setting up a visualization dashboard for this solution