Model manual document template
This is to be used by the person(s) responsible for maintaining the OTS process models and making changes to the software when needed.
A brief introduction to this manual will be required, with typical subsections including the following:
- Purpose
- Scope
- Holds
- Abbreviations
This document is to be used by process engineers as a reference manual to upkeep the process model in the OTS.
OTS overview
Typical subsections include the following:
- Process model scope
- System software:
- Software architecture
- Process model design
- Other process model design (if any)
In this section, the process model scope is defined to know what is modeled and what is not in the scope. The software structure is highlighted as well as the versions of the process modeling software to be used.
Process model
Typical subsections include the following:
- Overview.
- A general description of the model, highlighting...