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Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments

By : Jim Wilson
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Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments

By: Jim Wilson

Overview of this book

To create a dynamic and multi-pane user interface on Android, you need to encapsulate UI components and activity behaviors into modules that you can swap into and out of your activities. You can create these modules with the fragment class, which behaves somewhat like a nested activity that can define its own layout and manage its own lifecycle. When a fragment specifies its own layout, it can be configured in different combinations with other fragments inside an activity to modify your layout configuration for different screen sizes (a small screen might show one fragment at a time, but a large screen can show two or more). Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments shows you how to create modern Android applications that meet the high expectations of today's users. You will learn how to incorporate rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing and how to create adaptive UIs that ensure your application looks fantastic whether run on a low cost smartphone or the latest tablet. This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and providing new ways to incorporate rich UI behaviors. You will learn how to use fragments to create UIs that automatically adapt to device differences. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we then explore several specialized fragment-related classes like ListFragment and DialogFragment as well as rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Making the shift to fragments

Although fragments are a very powerful tool, fundamentally they do something very simple. Fragments group user interface components and their associated logic. Creating the portion of your user interface associated with a fragment is very much like doing so for an activity. In most cases, the view hierarchy for a particular fragment is created from a layout resource; although, just as with activities, the view hierarchy can be programmatically generated.

Creating a layout resource for a fragment follows the same rules and techniques as doing so for an activity. The key difference is that we're looking for opportunities to partition our user interface layout into manageable subsections when working with fragments.

The easiest way to get started working with fragments is for us to walk through converting a traditional activity-oriented user interface to use fragments.

The old thinking – activity-oriented

To get started, let's first look at the appearance and structure of the application we're going to convert. This application contains a single activity that, when run, looks like the following screenshot:

The activity displays a list of five book titles in the top portion of the activity. When the user selects one of those books titles, the description of that book appears in the bottom portion of the activity.

Defining the activity appearance

The appearance of the activity is defined in a layout resource file named activity_main.xml that contains the following layout description:


  <!-- List of Book Titles -->
          android:checked="true" />
          android:text="@string/android4NewTitle" />

      <!-- Other RadioButtons elided for clarify -->


  <!-- Description of selected book -->



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This layout resource is reasonably simple and is explained as follows:

  • The overall layout is defined within a vertically-oriented LinearLayout element containing the two ScrollView elements

  • Both of the ScrollView elements have a layout_weight value of 1 that causes the top-level LinearLayout element to divide the screen equally between the two ScrollView elements

  • The top ScrollView element, with the id value of scrollTitles, wraps a RadioGroup element containing a series of the RadioButton elements, one for each book

  • The bottom ScrollView element, with the id value of scrollDescription, contains a TextView element that displays the selected book's description

Displaying the activity UI

The application's activity class, MainActivity, inherits directly from the class. To display the activity's user interface, we override the onCreate method and call the setContentView method passing the R.layout.activity_main layout resource ID.

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // load the activity_main layout resource

  // Other methods elided for clarity

The new thinking – fragment-oriented

The activity-oriented user interface we currently have would be fine if all Android devices had the same form factor. As we've discussed, that's not the case.

We need to partition the application user interface so that we can switch to a fragment-oriented approach. With proper partitioning, we can be ready to make some simple enhancements to our application to help it adapt to device differences.

Let's look at some simple changes we can make that will partition our user interface.

Creating the fragment layout resources

The first step in moving to a fragment-oriented user interface is to identify the natural partitions in the existing user interface. In the case of this application, the natural partitions are reasonably easy to identify. The list of book titles is one good candidate, and the book description is the other. We'll make them each a separate fragment.

Defining the layout as a reusable list

For the list of book titles, we have the option to define the fragment to contain either the ScrollView element that's nearest to the top (has an id value of scrollTitles) or just the RadioGroup element within that ScrollView element. When creating a fragment, we want to structure it such that the fragment is most easily reused. Although the RadioGroup element is all we need to display the list of titles, it seems likely that we'll always want the user to be able to scroll the list of titles if necessary. With this being the case, it makes sense to include the ScrollView element in this fragment.

To create a fragment for the book list, we define a new layout resource file called fragment_book_list.xml. We copy the top ScrollView element and its contents from the activity_main.xml resource file to the fragment_book_list.xml resource file. The resulting fragment_book_list.xml resource file is as follows:

<!-- List of Book Titles -->
      android:id="@+id/bookSelectGroup "
      android:layout_width="wrap_content" >
        android:checked="true"   />
        android:text="@string/android4NewTitle"    />

    <!-- Other RadioButtons elided for clarify -->


This gives us a layout resource consistent with the book title portion of the user interface as it appeared in the activity layout resource. This is a good start.

Minimize assumptions

An effective fragment-oriented user interface is constructed with layout resources that minimize assumptions about where and how the fragment is used. The fewer assumptions we make about a fragment's use, the more reusable the fragment becomes.

The layout in the fragment_book_list.xml resource file as we now have it is very limiting because it includes significant assumptions. For example, the root ScrollView element includes a layout_height attribute with a value of 0. This assumes that the fragment will be placed within a layout that calculates the height for the fragment.

A layout_height attribute value of 0 prevents the ScrollView element from properly rendering when we use the fragment within any of the many layouts that require the ScrollView element to specify a meaningful height. A layout_height attribute value of 0 prevents the fragment from properly rendering even when doing something as simple as placing the fragment within a horizontally oriented LinearLayout element. The layout_weight attribute has similar issues.

In general, a good practice is to design the fragment to fully occupy whatever space it is placed within. This gives the layout in which the fragment is used the most control over the placement and sizing of the fragment.

To do this, we'll remove the layout_weight attribute from the ScrollView element and change the layout_height attribute value to match_parent. Because the ScrollView element is now the root node of the layout resource, we also need to add the android namespace prefix declaration.

The following code snippet shows the updated ScrollView element:


  <!—RadioGroup and RadioButton elements elided for clarity -->


With the updated ScrollView element, the fragment layout can now adapt to almost any layout it's referenced within.

Encapsulating the display layout

For the book description, we'll define a layout resource file called fragment_book_desc.xml. The fragment layout includes the contents of the activity layout resource's bottom ScrollView element (has an id value of scrollDescription). Just as in the book list fragment, we'll remove the layout_weight attribute, set the layout_height attribute to match_parent, and add the android namespace prefix declaration.

The fragment_book_desc.xml layout resource file appears as follows:

<!-- Description of selected book -->

Creating the Fragment class

Just like when creating an activity, we need more than a simple layout definition for our fragment; we also need a class.

Wrapping the list in a fragment

All fragment classes must extend the class either directly or indirectly.


For projects that rely on the Android Support Library to provide fragment support for pre-API Level 11 (Android 3.0) devices, use the class in place of the class.

We'll call the class for the fragment that manages the book list, BookListFragment. The class will directly extend the Fragment class as follows:

public class BookListFragment extends Fragment { … }

During the creation of a fragment, the Android framework calls a number of methods on that fragment. One of the most important of these is the onCreateView method. The onCreateView method is responsible for returning the view hierarchy represented by the fragment. The Android framework attaches that returned view hierarchy for the fragment to the appropriate place in the activity's overall view hierarchy.

In a case like the BookListFragment class where the Fragment class inherits directly from the Fragment class, we must override the onCreateView method and perform the work necessary to construct the view hierarchy.

The onCreateView method receives three parameters. We'll focus on just the first two for now:

  • inflater: This is a reference to a LayoutInflater instance that is able to read and expand layout resources within the context of the containing activity

  • container: This is a reference to the ViewGroup instance within the activity's layout where the fragment's view hierarchy is to be attached

The LayoutInflater class provides a method called inflate that handles the details of converting a layout resource into the corresponding view hierarchy and returns a reference to the root view of that hierarchy. Using the LayoutInflater.inflate method, we can implement our BookListFragment class' onCreateView method to construct and return the view hierarchy corresponding to the R.layout.fragment_book_list layout resource as shown in the following code:

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View viewHierarchy = 
    container, false);
    return viewHierarchy;

You'll notice in the preceding code we include the container reference and a Boolean value of false in the call to the inflate method. The container reference provides the necessary layout parameters for the inflate method to properly format the new view hierarchy. The parameter value of false indicates that container is to be used only for the layout parameters. If this value were true, the inflate method would also attach the new view hierarchy to the container view group. We do not want to attach the new view hierarchy to the container view group in the onCreateView method because the activity will handle that.

Providing the display fragment

For the book description fragment, we'll define a class called BookDescFragment. This class is identical to the BookListFragment class except the BookDescFragment class uses the R.layout.fragment_book_desc layout resource as follows:

public class BookDescFragment extends Fragment {
  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View viewHierarchy = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_book_desc, container, false);
    return viewHierarchy;

Converting the activity to use fragments

With the fragments defined, we can now update the activity to use them. To get started, we'll remove all the book titles and description layout information from the activity_main.xml layout resource file. The file now contains just the top-level LinearLayout element and comments to show where the book titles and description belong as follows:


  <!--  List of Book Titles  -->
  <!--  Description of selected book  -->


Using the fragment element, we can add a fragment to the layout by referencing the fragment's class name with the name attribute. For example, we reference the book list fragment's class, BookListFragment, as follows:


We want our activity user interface to appear the same using fragments as it did before we converted it to use fragments. To do this, we add the same layout_width, layout_height, and layout_weight attribute values to the fragment elements as were on the ScrollView elements in the original layout.

With that, the complete layout resource file for the activity, activity_main.xml, now looks like the following code:


  <!-- List of Book Titles -->

  <!-- Description of selected book -->


If you are working with Android Studio, you might find a tools:layout attribute on the fragment element. This attribute is used by Android Studio to provide a preview of the layout within the graphical designer. It has no effect on your application's appearance when the application is run.

When the application is run, the user interface will now appear exactly as it did when it was defined entirely within the activity. If we're targeting Android devices running API Level 11 (Android 3.0) or later, there is no need to make any changes to the Activity class because the Activity class is simply loading and displaying the layout resource at this point.

Activities and backward compatibility

When using the Android Support Library to provide pre-API Level 11 (Android 3.0) fragment support, we have one additional step. In this case, we have to make one small, but important change to our activity. We must change the MainActivity class' base class from the Activity class to the class. Because the pre-API Level 11 Activity class doesn't understand fragments, we use the FragmentActivity class from the Android Support Library to add fragment support to our MainActivity class.