React CSS
If you have any experience in writing CSS for a browser then you will feel comfortable with the styles in React Native. Although, instead of the browser's implementation of cascading styles, Facebook has developed a subset version of CSS in JavaScript. The benefit of this approach is that the designer can fully utilize features in JavaScript, such as variables and conditionals, which CSS does not support natively.
Style Sheet
Style Sheet is the React Native abstraction to declare styles using object notation. The components can use any style, so if you find that you are not able to get the right look then refer to the React Native documentation on that component in its styles section.
When inserting styles, it is common to include only those styles that you need for that specific component. It is similar to how JSX combines the JavaScript logic and markup into a single component; we are also going to define our styles in the same file.
To create a Style Sheet, use the Stylesheet...