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Mastering Kotlin for Android 14

By : Harun Wangereka
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Mastering Kotlin for Android 14

By: Harun Wangereka

Overview of this book

Written with the best practices, this book will help you master Kotlin and use its powerful language features, libraries, tools, and APIs to elevate your Android apps. As you progress, you'll use Jetpack Compose and Material Design 3 to build UIs for your app, explore how to architect and improve your app architecture, and use Jetpack Libraries like Room and DataStore to persist your data locally. Using a step-by-step approach, this book will teach you how to debug issues in your app, detect leaks, inspect network calls fired by your app, and inspect your Room database. You'll also add tests to your apps to detect and address code smells. Toward the end, you’ll learn how to publish apps to the Google Play Store and see how to automate the process of deploying consecutive releases using GitHub actions, as well as learn how to distribute test builds to Firebase App Distribution. Additionally, the book covers tips on how to increase user engagement. By the end of this Kotlin book, you’ll be able to develop market-ready apps, add tests to their codebase, address issues, and get them in front of the right audience.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Part 1: Building Your App
Part 2: Using Advanced Features
Part 3: Code Analysis and Tests
Part 4: Publishing Your App

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