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Malware Science

By : Shane Molinari
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Malware Science

By: Shane Molinari

Overview of this book

In today's world full of online threats, the complexity of harmful software presents a significant challenge for detection and analysis. This insightful guide will teach you how to apply the principles of data science to online security, acting as both an educational resource and a practical manual for everyday use. Malware Science starts by explaining the nuances of malware, from its lifecycle to its technological aspects before introducing you to the capabilities of data science in malware detection by leveraging machine learning, statistical analytics, and social network analysis. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the analytical methods of reverse engineering, machine language, dynamic scrutiny, and behavioral assessments of malicious software. You’ll also develop an understanding of the evolving cybersecurity compliance landscape with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, and gain insights into the global efforts in curbing cyber threats. By the end of this book, you’ll have a firm grasp on the modern malware lifecycle and how you can employ data science within cybersecurity to ward off new and evolving threats.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Part 1– Introduction
Free Chapter
Chapter 1: Malware Science Life Cycle Overview
Part 2 – The Current State of Key Malware Science AI Technologies
Part 3 – The Future State of AI’s Use for Malware Science
Chapter 8: Epilogue – A Harmonious Overture to the Future of Malware Science and Cybersecurity

Epilogue – A Harmonious Overture to the Future of Malware Science and Cybersecurity

In the vast expanse of the digital age, technology and connectivity have become woven into the very core of our daily lives. This intertwining of our existence with the digital realm has brought about a surge of groundbreaking innovations, propelling humanity into an era of unprecedented advancements. However, just as a piece of music thrives on its highs and lows, this technological renaissance is juxtaposed with a formidable adversary—the burgeoning realm of cybersecurity threats. These threats lurk in the shadows, ever vigilant, always evolving, and seeking to compromise the sanctity of our digital havens.

Amidst this digital soundscape, malware stands as a formidable phantom, an omnipresent specter that continues to haunt the corridors of our virtual domains. Its form and function are fluid, changing its contours with the changing times, finding new ways to penetrate our defenses...