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Cloud-Native Continuous Integration and Delivery

By : Onur Yılmaz
Book Image

Cloud-Native Continuous Integration and Delivery

By: Onur Yılmaz

Overview of this book

<p>Cloud-native software development is based on developing distributed applications focusing on speed, stability, and high availability. With this paradigm shift, software development has changed substantially and converted into a more agile environment where distributed teams develop distributed applications. In addition, the environment where the software is built, tested and deployed has changed from bare-metal servers to cloud systems. In this course, the new concepts of cloud-native Continuous Integration and Delivery are discussed in depth. Cloud-native tooling and services such as cloud providers (AWS, Google Cloud) containerization with Docker, container-orchestrators such as Kubernetes will be a part of this course to teach how to analyze and design modern software delivery pipelines.</p>
Table of Contents (6 chapters)

Chapter 2: Cloud-Native Continuous Integration

Solution for Activity 1: Building a CI Pipeline for Cloud-Native Microservices

You have been tasked with creating a CI pipeline for a book-server application that is designed to be built and tested with containers.

To complete this activity, all previous exercises across all chapters will need to be completed. Use the test and build functions from the previous exercises with the help of GitLab CI/CD pipelines. Once completed, you should have a complete pipeline, starting with static code analysis, passing all tests, and finally building the production-ready container. The pipeline stages and their statuses should be checked in the GitLab web interface:

Figure 2.14: CI/CD Pipelines view on GitLab

The pipeline should be green upon successful completion of the activity.

Figure 2.15: Pipeline stages on GitLab

Execute the following steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Fork the book-server code to your GitLab project from the book-server repository ( by clicking the Fork button:

    Figure 2.16: Forking the repository on GitLab

  2. Delete the existing code in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. We will be creating all of the stages in this file in the following steps. You should already have the test and build Dockerfiles, along with the source code in the repository once you fork it to your own namespace.

  3. Define the stages in the following order in the .gitlab-ci.yml file to run within Docker-in-Docker, namely docker:dind service:

    image: docker:latest
      - docker:dind
    - static-code-check
    - unit-test
    - smoke-test
    - build-integration-test
    - run-integration-test
    - build
  4. Create the static-code-check by typing in the following command in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

      stage: static-code-check
        - docker build --rm -f docker/Dockerfile.static-code-check .
  5. Create the smoke-test stage by typing in the following code in the same file, in continuation with the code added in the previous step:

      - docker:dind
      stage: smoke-test
      - docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.smoke-test -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/smoke-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA .
      - docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgres postgres
      - docker run --rm --link postgres:postgres gesellix/wait-for postgres:5432
      - docker run -e DATABASE="postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" --link postgres $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/smoke-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
  6. Create the unit-test stage by typing in the following code in the same file, in continuation with the code added in the previous step:

      stage: unit-test
        - docker build --rm -f docker/Dockerfile.unit-test .
  7. Create the build-integration-test stage by typing in the following code in the same file, in continuation with the code added in the previous step:

      stage: build-integration-test
      - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
      - docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.integration-test -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/integration-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA .
      - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/integration-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
  8. Create a run-integration stage with three parallel jobs for running the tests against MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MSSQL by typing the following code in the same file, in continuation with the code mentioned in the previous step:

      - docker:dind
      stage: run-integration-test
      - docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgres postgres
      - docker run --rm --link postgres:postgres gesellix/wait-for postgres:5432
      - docker run -e DATABASE="postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" --link postgres $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/integration-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
      - docker:dind
      stage: run-integration-test
      - docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=default --name mysql mysql
      - docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql gesellix/wait-for mysql:3306 -t 30
      - docker run -e DATABASE="mysql://root:password@mysql:3306/default" --link mysql $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/integration-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
      - docker:dind
      stage: run-integration-test
      - docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password!" -p 1433:1433 --name mssql
      - docker run --rm --link mssql:mssql gesellix/wait-for mssql:1433
      - docker run -e DATABASE="mssql://sa:Password!@mssql:1433" --link mssql $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/integration-test:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
  9. Create a final build stage to create a production-ready container image by typing in the following code:

      stage: build
      - docker build --target production -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA .

    Once done, we will now commit the file to create and run the pipeline.

  10. Commit the .gitlab-ci.yml file to the repository by running the following commands locally:

    git add .gitlab-ci.yml
    git commit -m "ci pipeline"
    git push origin master
  11. Click on the CI/CD tab on the GitLab interface and then click on the Run Pipeline tab, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure 2.17: Page for running a pipeline

    This page will navigate to the following page:

    Figure 2.18: Page for creating a pipeline

  12. Click on Create pipeline, as shown in the previous screenshot. This page navigates to the pipeline view of the jobs. You can see in the following screenshot that all of the stages are presented in the form of a pipeline, with their live status displayed:

    Figure 2.19: Pipeline view of the stages

    As each stage is successfully completed, the status is updated, and a green tick is visible, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure 2.20: Live status update

    Once all of the stages are successfully completed, the entire pipeline can be considered to be successfully built, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure 2.21: A successful pipeline is obtained once all the stages are passed


    A pipeline solution is already available in the root folder of book-server in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, which can be found at: The complete code for this activity can be found here: