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Instant Play Framework Starter

By : Daniel Dietrich
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Instant Play Framework Starter

By: Daniel Dietrich

Overview of this book

Play is a full-featured Java and Scala web framework for building modern, high-performance web applications. It is characterized by its simplicity and scalability. With its lightweight, stateless, and web-friendly architecture, Play focuses on developer experience to make web application development fun.Instant Play Framework Starter is the ideal companion to start developing web applications with Play. The building blocks of a typical web application are carefully designed following an on-going example.Instant Play Framework Starter starts with a quick setup and running a first sample. Then, the anatomy of a typical Play application is outlined. More features are added step by step to an example application. The result is the prototype of a highly scalable web application.The example is implemented in Java and in Scala. It consists of building blocks you will find in every Play application. In particular, you will learn how views are rendered with the template engine, how HTTP routes are used to define the navigation rules, and how to separate the application logic of controllers from the business logic of the model. This separation is the result of a careful application design, which makes it easy to add features like data binding and validation. Finally you will see how easy it is to adapt different database access libraries. Instant Play Framework Starter will help you to get started with Play and develop your first application. Packed with examples, it is easy to follow the design of a real-world application. You are able to compare the difference between a Java- and a Scala-based Play application and to decide which language fits your needs best. All topics covered in the book are described with the aim to serve as a reference for future web application development with Play.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

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