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RestKit for iOS

By : Taras Kalapun
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RestKit for iOS

By: Taras Kalapun

Overview of this book

<p>RestKit is an iOS framework for streamlining communication with web services, and it relies on the AFNetworking library that is used by thousands of app developers. It has an interface that is elegant and well designed, and it provides a powerful object-mapping engine that integrates well with the CoreData database. RestKit for iOS will teach you everything from loading a simple list of objects to creating a fully-featured app.<br /><br />RestKit for iOS delivers constructive tools and insights into app development that will benefit any app developer. The book starts with a simple example and then moves on to more complex ones as your knowledge increases. By the end of the guide, you will be able to build a fully-featured app that uses RESTful web services and performs CRUD object manipulation.<br /><br />RestKit for iOS will provide you with all the information you need to boost the development process of both simple and complex apps. Once you have executed a simple example and reviewed the basic theory, you will move on to more advanced concepts with descriptions of real-life scenarios and how to overcome bottlenecks. RestKit for iOS is full of real-life examples that show you how to simplify data loading, basic and advanced object mapping, metadata mapping, and routing. This book also teaches you about routing, RESTful object manipulation and synchronization, integration with the user interface, and caching</p>
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Core libraries

The following is a list of core libraries:

  • RestKit: It is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X.

  • AFNetworking: It is a delightful iOS and OS X networking framework.

  • MagicalRecord: It is a super-awesome, easy-fetching framework for Core Data.

  • Injective: It is the Cocoa/Cocoa Touch Dependency Injection framework with features for simpler TDD.

  • AGi18n: It easily localizes your iOS apps by automatically extracting texts from code and XIB files into localizable strings.

  • SDWebImage: It is an asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category (for ones not satisfied with UIImageView+AFNetworking functionality).

  • SSKeychain: It is a simple Cocoa wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS.

  • LUKeychainAccess: It is a wrapper for iOS keychain services that behaves just like NSUserDefaults.

  • FileMD5Hash: It is a library for computing MD5 hashes of files with small memory usage.

  • ISO8601DateFormatter: It is a Cocoa NSFormatter subclass to convert dates to and from ISO-8601-formatted strings. It supports calendar, week, and ordinal formats.

  • NSData+Base64: It is Base64 for NSData.

  • TransitionKit: It is a block-based State Machine API for Objective-C.

  • NSXtensions: It is a collection of useful categories for standard Cocoa classes.

  • BlockKit: It is a framework that block-ifies pieces of foundation and UIKit that are in desperate need.

  • Libextobjc: The extended Objective-C library extends the dynamism of the Objective-C programming language to support additional patterns present in other programming languages (including those that are not necessarily object-oriented).