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CORS Essentials

By : Rajesh Gunasundaram
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CORS Essentials

By: Rajesh Gunasundaram

Overview of this book

This book explains how to use CORS, including specific implementations for platforms such as Drupal, WordPress, IIS Server, ASP.NET, JBoss, Windows Azure, and Salesforce, as well as how to use CORS in the Cloud on Amazon AWS, YouTube, Mulesoft, and others. It examines limitations, security risks, and alternatives to CORS. It explores the W3C Specification and major developer documentation sources about CORS. It attempts to predict what kinds of extension to the CORS specification, or completely new techniques, will come in the future to address the limitations of CORS Web developers will learn how to share code and assets across domains with CORS. They will learn a variety of techniques that are rather similar in their method and syntax. The book is organized by similar types of framework and application, so it can be used as a reference. Developers will learn about special cases, such as when a proxy is necessary. And they will learn about some alternative techniques that achieve similar goals, and when they may be preferable to using CORS
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
CORS Essentials
About the Authors
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Commonly allowed cross-origin resource sharing

The same-origin policy is not required for many resources that may be embedded in cross-origin. The sharing of specific file types is limited by file type headers and ensuring that the file extensions and file meta data match the expected type.

DOM elements allowed for cross-origin sharing

The following information box displays scenarios where DOM elements are allowed for cross-origin sharing:


Images with the <img> tag, as long as the file type matches expected image formats.

Media files with the <video> and <audio> tags as long as the file type matches expected media formats.

JavaScript with the <script src="..."></script> tag. This method is used by many third-party applications, which embed a script to act upon the local resources, for example, a social media sharing service that analyzes the shareable images and other assets on current page and reads the URI.

CSS with the <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."> tag. Cross-origin CSS requires a correct content-type header. Client.

Plugins with the <applet>, <object> and <embed> tags.

Fonts with @font-face. Support for this method varies by client browser.

Any content or URI loaded with the <frame> and <iframe> tags.


The X-Frame-Options header can prevent interaction between frames on different domains.

Allowing cross-origin sharing in WebSockets

The ability of WebSockets to bypass the same-origin policy is seen as a security risk. Using WebSockets on a gateway/server that supports origin-based security provides header-based security similar to CORS.

Limited cross-origin JavaScript API access

JavaScript APIs, such as iframe.contentWindow, window.parent,, and window.opener, provide limited cross-origin access to the Window and Location objects. Some browsers permit access to more properties than the specification allows. You can use window.postMessage instead to communicate between documents in separate windows.