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Ext JS Essentials

By : Stuart Ashworth , Andrew Duncan
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Ext JS Essentials

By: Stuart Ashworth , Andrew Duncan

Overview of this book

<p>Ext JS 5 is a heavyweight JavaScript framework used by millions to build rich and interactive web applications. Its numerous widgets and advanced data package make it especially well-suited for enterprise class software. The framework encourages the creation of good architectures and is extremely customizable.</p> <p>Ext JS Essentials is aimed at giving you a fast-track understanding of Ext JS. This book covers the most important aspects of the framework in a concise but comprehensive way, ensuring your success using its many features.</p> <p>Written around an example application, the book is packed with practical insights into how the framework works, architecting your applications, working with data, and the many widgets on offer.</p>
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Ext JS Essentials
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Testing UI interaction

One of the big benefits of Siesta is its ability to test real UI interactions, allowing us to create automated, repeatable tests, based on the way the application is actually rendered and how a real user would interact with it.

In this section, we will test the product grid that we created in Chapter 7, Constructing Common UI Widgets. We will look at testing how it has been rendered and then move on to testing clicks on the grid row's Details button.

Testing cell contents

To kick off, we are going to test whether each cell of the grid renders the correct values based on the data in the store it is bound to. This will catch any issues with field names changing and grid column configurations.

We start by creating a new test suite, like we did in the previous section, and a new test file called 010_GridCellContents.t.js. Our folder structure will look like the following:

Be careful to update all the paths in your index.html and index.js files to suit the new location.

In these...