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Learning ECMAScript 6

By : Narayan Prusty
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Learning ECMAScript 6

By: Narayan Prusty

Overview of this book

<p>ECMAScript 6 is the new edition to the ECMAScript language, whose specifications are inherited by JavaScript. ES6 gives a vast makeover to JavaScript by adding new syntaxes and APIs to write complex applications and libraries that are easier to debug and maintain. By learning the latest version of ECMAScript, you'll have a greater understanding of JavaScript and more confidence and fluency when developing with it - follow this book and use and adopt ES6 features into your work, instead of the usual tired JavaScript hacks and tricks.</p> <p>The book begins by introducing ECMAScript 6's built-in objects and &nbsp;shows you how to create custom Iterators. &nbsp;It also provides you with guidance on Next, how to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style using ES6, so you can unlock greater control and sophistication in the way you develop with JavaScript.</p> <p>Beyond this, you will also learn&nbsp;how to use Reflect API to inspect and manipulate object properties. Next, it teaches how to create proxies, and use it to intercept and customize operations performed on objects.&nbsp;Finally, it explains old modular programming techniques such as IIFE, CommonJS, AMD, and UMD and also compares it with ECMAScript modules and demonstrates how modules can increase the performance of websites when used.</p>
Table of Contents (16 chapters)

About the Reviewers

Andrea Chiarelli has over 20 years of experience as a software engineer and technical writer. In his professional career, he has used various technologies for the projects he has been involved in, from C# to JavaScript, ASP.NET to AngularJS, and REST to PhoneGap/Cordova.

He has contributed to many online and offline magazines, such as Computer Programming and ASP Today, and was a coauthor of a few books published by Wrox Press.

Currently, he is a senior software engineer at the Italian office of Apparound Inc., a mobile software company founded in the heart of Silicon Valley, and he is a regular contributor to, an Italian online magazine focused on web technologies.

Philippe Renevier Gonin has been an assistant professor at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, since 2005. He teaches web technologies, software engineering (architecture and development), and HCI (Human Computer Interaction). From a research perspective, Philippe works on connections between user-centered design (for example, users and tasks models) and software engineering (for example, component architecture and UI development). In his projects, he often develops software and tools in Javascript, HMTL, CSS, and Java (Android).

Domenico Luciani is a 22-year-old passionate programmer. He is currently working as a software engineer for some companies and is pursuing a degree in computer science at The University of Palermo.

He is a computer vision enthusiast. He loves computer security and often pen-tests too; he takes part in bounty programs for many companies. He has worked on many technologies in the past, such as MongoDB, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, and C.

He creates Node.js modules, which are published on the NPM website. He has collaborated as a reviewer and is currently learning GoLang just for fun.

He is also a part of the Maker community and likes working on his Raspberry Pi. He loves writing code using vim and managing it with Git. He also writes tests and collaborates on open source projects across the Web.

In his spare time, he is a runner and loves parkour. You can find more information about him at

Mihir Mone is a postgraduate from Monash University, Australia. Although he did his post graduation in network computing, these days, he mainly is into web and mobile development. After spending some time fiddling around with routers and switches, he quickly decided to build upon his passion for web development—not design, but development. Building web systems and applications rather than websites with all their fancy Flash animations was something that was very interesting and alluring to him. He even returned to his alma mater to teach web development in order to give back what he had learned.

Now, he works for a small software/engineering house in Melbourne, doing web development and prototyping exciting new ideas in the field of data visualization and UX domains.

He is also a big JavaScript fan and has previously reviewed a few books on jQuery and JavaScript. He is a Linux enthusiast and a big proponent of the OSS movement. He believes that software should always be free to actualize its true potential.

A true geek at heart, he spends some of his leisure time writing code in the hope that it may be helpful to the masses. You can find more information on him at

Takeharu Oshida ( works at a small start-up called Mobilus ( Mobilus provides a real-time communication platform and an SDK called Konnect.

As a JavaScript engineer, he designs JavaScript APIs, and creates React.JS-based web applications with ES6.

He is also a member of the Xitrum web framework project ( As a part of this project, he is learning the functional programming style of Scala by either creating sample applications or translating documents.

He has been a reviewer on Learning Behavior-driven Development Javascript, published by Packt Publishing.

Juri Strumpflohner is a passionate developer who loves to code, follow the latest trends on web development, and share his findings with others. He has been working as a coding architect and technical lead for an e-government company, where he is responsible for coaching developers, innovating, and making sure that the software meets the desired quality.

In his free time, he contributes to open source projects, does book reviews (like this one), tweets (@juristr), and writes about the latest web development tech news on his blog at Currently, he's particularly interested in ES 2015 (ES6), AngularJS, React, Babel, and all the hot stuff that comes with modern web development.

When not coding, Juri is either training or teaching Yoseikan Budo, a martial art where he currently has a 2nd DAN black belt. Follow him on twitter (@juristr) on the Web, or visit his blog at to catch up with him.