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Learning Aurelia

By : Manuel Guilbault
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Learning Aurelia

By: Manuel Guilbault

Overview of this book

<p>Aurelia is one of the most promising new JavaScript frameworks for mobile, desktop, and web, which makes developing powerful, modern web applications a straightforward task. Its power lies in its simplicity and clear workflow that enables developers to build next-generations apps for the web with ease.</p> <p>From initial structuring to full deployment, this book will serve as a step-by-step guide to develop a modern web application from scratch with the Aurelia framework. In addition to including a comprehensive coverage of various Aurelia framework features, this book will also show you how to utilize these features in the real world to develop a professional single-page web application. You’ll see how to make the most out of Aurelia by understanding the Aurelia workflow and then applying it in real-world development tasks. By the end of the book, you will have learned to develop a clean and maintainable application in Aurelia from scratch.</p>
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Learning Aurelia
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Running tasks

The Webpack skeleton doesn't use Gulp as its build system, but simply relies on NPM tasks. If you have a look at the scripts section in the package.json file, you'll see the list of tasks along with their corresponding command that can be run for the project. Here are the most common:

  • start: Launches a development web server. When index.html is accessed for the first time, the application is bundled and served, and the process then watches the source files so it can recreate the bundles and refresh the browser when it detects a change. The start command is an alias for server, which is itself an alias for server:dev.

  • test: Runs the unit tests. Code coverage is enabled using Istanbul (

  • e2e: Runs the end-to-end tests. This task will launch both the application, which will run on port 19876, and the E2E test suite.

  • build:prod: Bundles the application for production. The bundles and the index.html file will be optimized for production and will be generated in the dist folder. Additionally, the production build will add a content-based hash to the name of each bundle, in order to version them. This has the same effect as enabling bundle revision by setting the rev option in aurelia_project/aurelia.json in CLI-based projects.

  • server:prod: Launches a web server to serve the production bundle. It must be run after build:prod.