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RESTful PHP Web Services

By : Samisa Abeysinghe
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RESTful PHP Web Services

By: Samisa Abeysinghe

Overview of this book

<p>Representational State Transfer (REST) is a form of software architecture; systems that follow it are often called RESTful. It is the architectural style that drives the World Wide Web (the motivation for REST was to capture elements that made the Web successful), and RESTful web services use simple protocols already familiar to web developers. RESTful web services are found in lots of places with big name Web APIs such as Flickr, and Yahoo search following a REST-based approach.<br /><br />With any architectural style or approach, struggling with its basic concepts is just one problem – implementation in your favorite language is another, and that's where this book comes in. If you're a PHP developer, this book will show you how to create and consume RESTful web services in PHP, and make your services work well in the context of the Web.<br /><br />You will learn about the basic concepts of REST, and then look at PHP tools, libraries and techniques for working with RESTful web services. You will see how to use other RESTful services from your PHP applications, and also how to engineer your PHP applications to make them RESTful.<br /><br />This book is about implementing RESTful web services in PHP, and so the book is packed with example code and careful explanations.</p>
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
RESTful PHP Web Services
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Appendix B. RESTClient class

Here is a simple RESTClient class that you can use to consume services.

The name of the PHP class is RESTClient. This class does not use any other framework and is based solely on basic PHP constructs. Hence you can easily use this class on its own without having to install any other framework. This would be useful if you want to just consume services using some lightweight PHP code.

We use a private variable in the PHP code to track whether to use CURL or not based on the availability of CURL in the PHP system installed.

private $with_curl;

While creating an instance of the client, the constructor of the class either chooses to use CURL if the CURL functions are available or else it would use fopen functions for communicating with the services.

public function __construct() {
        if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
            $this->with_curl = TRUE;
        } else {
            $this->with_curl = FALSE;

The RESTClient class has four member functions get, post, put, and delete to work with HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE respectively. While using these methods of the class we must pay attention to the parameters that each method takes.