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Instant Kendo UI Grid

By : James R. Lamar
Book Image

Instant Kendo UI Grid

By: James R. Lamar

Overview of this book

<p>Kendo grids are the perfect fit if you need a powerful set of tools to let users manipulate data, or even if you just want a great way to dress up existing tables.</p> <p>Instant Kendo UI Grid is a practical, hands-on guide that will provide dozens of working examples and also serve as a reference for customizing your grids in no time. It will teach you to create detailed and beautiful grids. This book takes you through the many options and variations of using Kendo UI grids. The readers will end up being comfortable implementing grids in any relevant situation.</p> <p>You will learn about how to develop elaborate grids to handle any CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation in a way that is easily maintained and even easier to develop. Styling is a breeze with Kendo UI themes, which also happens to include a theme to match the ever popular Twitter Bootstrap.</p> <p>Instant Kendo UI Grid is your go-to reference for creating amazingly beautiful and highly functional grids for tabular data.</p>
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Advanced API example (Advanced)

This recipe demonstrates how to get the most out of Kendo Grids by tapping directly into the Kendo API.

Getting ready

Open 16-api.html in your editor or create a new document.

How to do it...

Copy the following code into your new document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Kendo UI Grid How-to</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="kendo/styles/kendo.common.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="kendo/styles/kendo.default.min.css">
<script src="kendo/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="kendo/js/kendo.web.min.js"></script>
<h3 style="color:#4f90ea;">Exercise 16 - Advanced API Example</h3>
<p><a href="index.html">Home</a></p>
<button id="expandAll" href="#">Expand All</button><button id="collapseAll" href="#">Collapse All</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#collapseAll').hide(); // MAKE SURE ONLY ONE BUTTON SHOWS ON LOAD
        var outerServiceURL = "";
      var innerServiceURL = "";
      var myDataSource = new{
         transport: {
            read: {
               url: outerServiceURL,
               dataType: "JSONP"
         dataSource: myDataSource,
         sortable: true,
         detailInit: detailInit,
         columns: [{ field: "ARTISTID", title: "Artist ID"},
               { field: "FIRSTNAME", title: "First Name"},
               { field: "LASTNAME", title: "Last Name"},
               { field: "EMAIL", title: "Email"},
               { field: "PHONE", title: "Phone Number"}]
      function detailInit(e) {
            dataSource: {
               transport: {
                  read: {
                     url: innerServiceURL,
                     dataType: "JSONP",
               filter: { field: "ARTISTID", operator: "eq", value: }
            scrollable: false,
            sortable: false,
            columns: [
               { field: "ARTID", title: "Art ID"},
               { field: "ARTNAME", title: "Art Name"},
               { field: "DESCRIPTION", title: "Description"},
               { field: "PRICE", title: "Price", template: '#= kendo.toString(PRICE,"c") #'},
               { field: "LARGEIMAGE", title: "Large Image"},
               { field: "MEDIAID", title: "Media ID"},
               { field: "ISSOLD", title: "Sold"}]
   function expandCollapseGrid(gridId) {
      $("#expandAll").click(function (event) {
         var grid = $(gridId).data("kendoGrid");
      $("#collapseAll").click(function (event) {
         var grid = $(gridId).data("kendoGrid");
<div id="myGrid"></div>

How it works...

In this recipe, we build on exercise 11 by adding the expandAll and collapseAll buttons. This can be especially helpful with a larger set of data that users may want to see all at once. Adding the HTML buttons to expand and collapse was easy; what we did next was create a function called expandCollapseGrid to make them functional. We used several API methods here, including data, expandRow, and collapseRow. Lastly, we used jQuery syntax to get at all of the particular rows contained in the tbody section of the grid to identify the elements we wanted to execute the methods on. The expandCollapseGrid function is built in a way that you should be able to reuse it on any Kendo Grid that has some type of grouping.

There's more...

There are hundreds of other examples of using API methods to control the Kendo Grid. The complete documentation can be found at You can also filter your results in the textbox at the top of the page, which may not be apparent at first glance. Also, be sure to check out the documentation on the Kendo datasource, as that is just as much a part of the grid. Datasource documentation can be found at