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Learning D3.js Mapping

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Learning D3.js Mapping

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Learning D3.js Mapping
About the Authors
About the Reviewers
Finding and Working with Geographic Data


The enter function is a part of every basic D3 visualization. It allows the developer to define a starting point with attached data. The enter function can be thought of as a section of code that executes when data is applied to the visualization for the first time. Typically, the enter section will follow the selection of a DOM element. Let's walk through an example (http://localhost:8080/chapter-3/example-2.html):

var svg ="body")
    .attr("width", 200)
    .attr("height", 200);

Create the SVG container as we did earlier:


The data function is the way we bind data to our selection. In this example, we are binding a very simple array, [1,2], to the selection <rect>. The enter function will loop through the [1,2] array and apply the subsequent function calls, as shown in the following code:

.attr('x', function(d){ return d*20; })
.attr('y', function(d){ return d*50; })

As we loop through each element...