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Java 9 Core Principles [Video]

By : Andrei Ruse
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Java 9 Core Principles [Video]

By: Andrei Ruse

Overview of this book

<p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">Java 9 comes with a rich feature set. Although there are no new language concepts, new APIs and diagnostic commands will definitely be interesting to developers. Your journey will start off with a simple introduction to Java, the Java language runtime and the JVM with a few simple, yet exciting Java Shell examples. <br /> <br /> You will then move on to learning how to write your own Object Oriented Code in Java by modeling and building a simple Music Streaming Service which you can run and demonstrate from the shell, thus teaching you how to perform the simplest task, quickly! <br /> <br /> As you progress in your journey, you will encounter more advanced topics including functional data processing, before investigating how you can build fast, scalable APIs for the connected web. In the final section, you will build an API to analyze the sentiment of sentences provided by the user, along with various statistics about your API.</span></p> <h2><span class="sugar_field">Style and Approach</span></h2> <p><span class="sugar_field"><span id="trade_selling_points_c" class="sugar_field">Comprehensive and detailed, the easy to follow tutorial will take viewers on a journey to going from zero to hero Java programmers with the new Java 9 SDK.</span></span></p>
Table of Contents (4 chapters)
Chapter 3
Simple Data Structures Control Logic and Method Types
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Section 3
Linking All of Our Models together
How can we enhance the existing structure of the application to enable answering more complex queries about the stored music? - To enhance the application, we need to improve the design diagram - Understand the new requirements - Improve the code by double-linking the classes