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JavaScript for Beginners - A Complete Guide [Video]

By : Let's Kode It Kode It
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JavaScript for Beginners - A Complete Guide [Video]

By: Let's Kode It Kode It

Overview of this book

<p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">No prior coding experience needed. Ever wondered how the websites work when you click on a button or a link? Ever wanted to become a web developer, but thought it is difficult? Want to develop a phone app? JavaScript is the first step to any web development and it's fun instead of being tough. This course's focus is to learn by doing and examples. All the code files are provided.</span></p> <p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">JavaScript is one of the most popular languages used in the industry. There are tons of highly paid jobs for web developers and web testers. </span></p> <p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">This course includes access to a Google group specifically set up for the course. As you might have already figured out, this course does not need you to have any coding experience, and with practice you will be able to understand and work on JavaScript concepts.</span></p> <h1><span class="sugar_field">Style and Approach</span></h1> <p><span class="sugar_field"><span id="trade_selling_points_c" class="sugar_field">This course's focus is to learn by doing and examples. All code files provided for reference and learning.</span></span></p>
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Variables and Data Types
Exception Handling and Debugging
Hoisting and Use Strict
Cookies Management
Chapter 10
Conditional Statements
Content Locked
Section 3
Switch Statement
Conditional Statements: Switch Statement