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Microsoft Power BI - The Complete Masterclass [2023 EDITION] [Video]

By : Nikolai Schuler
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Microsoft Power BI - The Complete Masterclass [2023 EDITION] [Video]

By: Nikolai Schuler

Overview of this book

Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software primarily focusing on business intelligence, part of the Microsoft Power Platform. Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that combine to turn unrelated data sources into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Data may be input by reading directly from a database, webpage, or structured files such as spreadsheets, CSV, XML, and JSON. This course will give you a detailed introduction to Power BI Desktop, Power BI Cloud, and Power BI Mobile! You will then learn to design and implement professional reports and storytelling with data to visualize your data effectively. You will explore advanced features such as working with parameters, using R scripts, optimizing performance, and row-level security. You will focus on performance optimization, Python and R in Power BI, forecasting and advanced analytics, and time intelligence. The course also indulges in data transformation and visualization. You will explore DAX essentials and learn to create a data model. Upon completing the course, you will gain comprehensive knowledge about Power BI features and reporting abilities. You will master data visualization techniques and acquire extensive knowledge about reporting using Power BI. All resources are available at:
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Next Steps to Improve and Stay Up-to-Date
Chapter 3
Data Transformation - The Query Editor
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Section 3
Editing Rows
In this video, we will look at cleaning up data by learning to remove error fields, remove null values, and keep relevant rows to visualize data.