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Advanced Continuous Delivery Pipeline [Video]

By : Rafał Leszko
Book Image

Advanced Continuous Delivery Pipeline [Video]

By: Rafał Leszko

Overview of this book

<p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">The combination of Docker and Jenkins improves your Continuous Delivery pipeline using fewer resources. It also helps you scale up your builds, automate tasks, and speed up Jenkins performance with the benefits of Docker containerization. </span></p> <p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">This course explains continuous delivery pipelines in depth and improve the continuous integration and delivery process of app development. It starts with managing configuration using Ansible. Then we build a complete Continuous Delivery pipeline. Finally we present a mixture of different aspects related to the Continuous Delivery process.</span></p> <h2><span class="sugar_field">Style and Approach</span></h2> <p>This course follows a step-by-step approach, beginning from managing configurations using Ansible to advanced continuous pipelines.</p>
Table of Contents (4 chapters)
Chapter 2
Continuous Delivery Pipeline
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Section 2
Nonfunctional Testing
Nonfunctional aspects of the software are always important, because they can cause a significant risk to the operation of the system. - Examine different test types - Examine the challenges