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Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero [Video]

By : Let's Kode It
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Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero [Video]

By: Let's Kode It

Overview of this book

Selenium WebDriver is an open-source automation tool that works easily across multiple OS and browsers and supports multiple frameworks. There is no doubt that these qualities have made Selenium WebDriver one of the most powerful tools to test web applications. This course will teach you the essential Selenium WebDriver skills that will help you start your career in automation testing. This course starts by taking you through the basics of Selenium WebDriver and helping you with the installation process of Java. Next, you will get a solid understanding of Java concepts and the TestNG framework. Moving along, you will learn to work with advanced reporting and use log47 to log messages. Next, you will get to grips with the page object model, page factory, and data-driven framework, and execute tests on a remote machine using Selenium Grid 2.0. Later, you will learn to use Maven to manage builds and implement continuous integration with Jenkins. Toward the end, you will learn to execute database and performance test cases and run behavior-driven testing using Cucumber and Gherkin. By the end of this course, you will have all the necessary skills needed to perform automation testing on web applications with Selenium WebDriver using Java.
Table of Contents (51 chapters)
TestNG - Reporter Logs and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Reports
Conditional Statements and Loops
Chapter 34
Selenium WebDriver – Data-Driven Testing
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Section 5
Writing Data to an Excel File
This video shows how to write data to an Excel file.