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Introduction to Kubernetes using Docker [Video]

By : Stone River eLearning
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Introduction to Kubernetes using Docker [Video]

By: Stone River eLearning

Overview of this book

<p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">This course is suitable for everyone, from complete beginner’s right up to expert computer nerds. All you need is a fast internet connection, a credit card to set up a free trial on Google Cloud (no extra cost), and a basic working knowledge of modern technology.</span></p> <p><span id="description" class="sugar_field">You’ll start off by getting familiar with Google Cloud, Docker and Kubernetes, learning what they do and how you’ll be using them. Then you’ll take an in-depth look at the two most important tools, Docker and Kubernetes. Once you’ve got a good grasp on how each one works, you’ll move on to the course projects. You’ll install WordPress using Google Cloud, which includes creating Docker files, images, and containers along with deploying the site live. Next, you’ll create and configure a back-end and front-end master and slave nodes with replication controllers; apps managed by Kubernetes using a cluster of VMs. Sound confusing? Don’t worry, you’ll get hands-on training at every step to guide you in the right direction. By the end of this course, you will know what containers are and more than one way to use them to deliver software applications faster. You’ll know everything you need to know about Docker and Kubernetes, and you’ll never have to worry about using either one for your software application project ever again!</span></p> <h2><span class="sugar_field">Style and Approach</span></h2> <p><span class="sugar_field"><span id="trade_selling_points_c" class="sugar_field">This course is suitable for everyone, from complete beginners right up to expert computer nerds. All you need is a fast internet connection, a credit card to set up a free trial on Google Cloud (no extra cost), and a basic working knowledge of modern technology.</span></span></p>
Table of Contents (6 chapters)
Chapter 5
Real-World Projects
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Section 4
Deploying Redis Slave Controller
Configuring and deploying the Slave node at the back end