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Angular 2 Essentials [Video]

By : John Munsch
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Angular 2 Essentials [Video]

By: John Munsch

Overview of this book

<p>Angular 2 is a dream framework for any modern day web developer. It lets you build powerful and impressive web applications, with great development efficiency, speed, and performance. This course helps you gain a strong foundation in Angular 2 and the key concepts involved in creating modern web applications.</p> <p>Starting off by building your first Angular 2 component, you’ll go all the way through topics such as deployment and automated builds by the end of the course.</p> <p>After building your first components, you’ll return to the build-tools to understand them better. Here you’ll see how Gulp is used throughout to automate the building of your software to make your development life easier. Then you’ll take a deep dive into the constituents of an Angular 2 component and use them to reconstruct an existing example site for Google's Material Design Lite library. Once you have your application ready, you will learn how to test and debug it. Finally, we wrap up the course by deploying your app and you’ll learn how to incorporate the continuous integration principle for automation.</p> <h1>Style and Approach</h1> <p>Showing you mounds of configuration without any understanding of how it fits together is a recipe for confusion and an inability to fix a problem when you have one. Hence more than anything, this video course tries to make sure you understand why and how things are built the way they are with Angular 2, not just the mechanics, in a step-by-step manner.</p>
Table of Contents (7 chapters)
Chapter 3
Focusing on Angular 2
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Section 4
Calling APIs
Way back in Video 1.6, we made a simple call to an API to get some values. - Explain the very first step to get to the solution. This could be diagnosing an issue or directly starting with Step 1 to tackle the problem or the first step towards achieving the goal of the video. - Once done with the previous task, what is the ideal next step to solve the problem or achieving the goal - The final step and the problem would be solved or goal would be achieved. Also verify that the problem is solved for the viewer.