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Rapid SASS [Video]

By : Brock Nunn
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Rapid SASS [Video]

By: Brock Nunn

Overview of this book

<p>SASS is the world’s leading CSS preprocessing language. It is completely compatible with standard CSS, yet extends its functionality with enhanced features. SASS has been developed for almost 8 years and continues to grow and improve at a rapid pace. There is no better time to get preprocessing than right now!</p> <p>This course will simply help you become a better frontend developer, and serve to make your life easier with its powerful features.<br />Begin with getting your first SASS files up and running within the first 10 minutes. You will then move on to understanding and implementing the SASS concepts that include variables and nesting and make your life easier with simpler code. Finally, gain insight into the Bourbon library for cross-browser compatibility and review the website.<br />Rapid frontend development with SASS will enhance your CSS workflow so much that you may never go back to standard CSS ever again!</p> <h1>Style and Approach</h1> <p>This video series presents a casual and approachable simulation of the development of a real-world client site. The videos are broken down into short, understandable sections making the learning experience simple.</p>
Table of Contents (4 chapters)
Chapter 3
CSS Like You've Never Seen Before
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Section 1
SASS Variables
CSS can be difficult to structure. However, using SASS, developers have more control than ever. Leverage variables to transform your CSS. - Review variables and documentation - Organize the file structure using components - Make use of variables within your project