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Bootstrap 4 Projects [Video]

By : Aaron Vanston
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Bootstrap 4 Projects [Video]

By: Aaron Vanston

Overview of this book

<p>Quite often when building various web applications, you will face the need to build out beautiful and mobile responsive websites in a small time frame. Bootstrap 4 helps alleviate the pain by defining sophisticated and refined user inputs and web components ready for your use. Learn how to quickly get your projects up to speed with the world’s most popular front-end framework.</p> <p>Through this course, we will take you through not only Bootstrap 4's new features and changes, but create larger projects with these components and frameworks. These projects include building out the structure and design of a social media platform, comprehensive login and registration forms, and finally a music library application. Each project will provide you with a chance to use some of the new Bootstrap 4 components in the greater context of the Bootstrap framework.</p> <p>&nbsp;Having completed this course, you will have sufficient knowledge on how to build out application user interfaces that are mobile-responsive, accessible, and importantly look good, all with the help of Bootstrap 4.</p> <h5>Style and Approach</h5> <p>In this course, you'll get your hands dirty with practical real-world web applications. We'll also thoroughly explain Bootstrap 4's advantages and uses.</p>
Table of Contents (7 chapters)
Chapter 5
Alerts, Tooltips, and Popovers
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Section 1
Being new to Bootstrap, its component structure, its dependencies, and methods in which you build, users may face many issues that could troubleshoot if they knew how. - Troubleshoot the issue - Understand and apply the fix - Verify that it’s now fixed