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Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud [Video]

By : In28Minutes Official
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Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud [Video]

By: In28Minutes Official

Overview of this book

Beginning with the basics, this course covers the core principles of microservices architecture, contrasting it with traditional monolithic structures to highlight its modern software development benefits. You'll learn the process of breaking down complex applications into manageable, modular services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. As the course unfolds, you'll delve into the creation of microservices using Spring Boot, exploring its convention over configuration philosophy that speeds up development time without sacrificing power or flexibility. With Spring Cloud, master the management of your microservices ecosystem, covering service discovery with Netflix Eureka, client-side load balancing with Ribbon, and implementing API gateways for efficient service-to-service communication. Advanced topics include ensuring microservices resilience with Resilience4J, where you'll tackle patterns like circuit breakers and bulkheads to design fault-tolerant systems. Gain hands-on experience with deploying microservices in containerized environments using Docker and orchestrating them with Kubernetes, preparing you for the cloud-native landscape. By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in microservices, along with the skills to design, develop, and deploy microservices applications confidently.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring Cloud - V1
Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2
Kubernetes with Microservices using Docker, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud - V2
Chapter 4
Quick Introduction to Microservices
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Section 6
Step 00 - 05 - Microservice Components - Standardizing Ports and URL
This video explains components of microservices, which are standardizing ports and URL.