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Prompt Engineering For Everyone with ChatGPT and GPT-4 [Video]

By : Andrei Gheorghiu
4.6 (11)
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Prompt Engineering For Everyone with ChatGPT and GPT-4 [Video]

4.6 (11)
By: Andrei Gheorghiu

Overview of this book

Prompt engineering is strategically designing and modifying prompts used in ChatGPT to achieve desired outputs and crafting prompts that provide clear instructions, relevant context, or specific constraints to guide the generation process. The course begins with an introduction to prompt engineering and then briefly covers the course overview and objectives and any additional resources available in the course. We then move over to the basics of prompt engineering in further detail, including inputs, outputs, parameters, and learning to craft simple prompts. We will then evaluate the prompts and the best practices and tricks in prompts engineering techniques, Chain-of-Thought prompting, multilingual and multimodal prompts, and the non-deterministic nature of AI and human-AI collaboration. We will automate emails and social media posts and generate content in blogs, articles, and reports. We will indulge in creative writing and brainstorming to generate ideas and drafts, efficient research and information curation, task management, and decision-making. We will explore fairness and reducing bias, privacy, and data security. Upon completing the course, we will look at real-life scenarios and use cases for AI, learn to use prompt engineering, and practice newly learned techniques to leverage the power of prompts in ChatGPT.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)
Chapter 4
Prompt Engineering Use Cases in Everyday Tasks - Part 1
Content Locked
Section 5
Customer Support: Enhancing Human-Agent Collaboration
Let's use prompt engineering in customer support settings, design prompts that empower customer support agents with AI-generated suggestions and responses, and improve the quality and efficiency of customer interactions.