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R Deep Learning Essentials

By : Joshua F. Wiley
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R Deep Learning Essentials

By: Joshua F. Wiley

Overview of this book

<p>Deep learning is a branch of machine learning based on a set of algorithms that attempt to model high-level abstractions in data by using model architectures. With the superb memory management and the full integration with multi-node big data platforms, the H2O engine has become more and more popular among data scientists in the field of deep learning.</p> <p>This book will introduce you to the deep learning package H2O with R and help you understand the concepts of deep learning. We will start by setting up important deep learning packages available in R and then move towards building models related to neural networks, prediction, and deep prediction, all of this with the help of real-life examples.</p> <p>After installing the H2O package, you will learn about prediction algorithms. Moving ahead, concepts such as overfitting data, anomalous data, and deep prediction models are explained. Finally, the book will cover concepts relating to tuning and optimizing models.</p>
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
R Deep Learning Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Use case – building and applying an auto-encoder model

For our use case, we are using the actigraphy data from smartphones we have previously examined. These data include actimetry on a number of individuals while sitting, standing, lying, walking, walking downstairs, and walking upstairs. Our goal is to identify any anomalous values or values that are aberrant or otherwise unusual.

To start with, we will load the training and testing data into R and then convert it over to H2O for analysis:

use.train.x <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt")
use.test.x <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt")

use.train.y <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt")[[1]]
use.test.y <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt")[[1]]

use.labels <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt")

h2oactivity.train <- as.h2o(
  destination_frame = "h2oactivitytrain")

h2oactivity.test <- as.h2o(
  destination_frame = "h2oactivitytest...