Creating an Activity Designer for theMySquence activity
We have already created a MySequence
activity in a previous task. In this task, we are going to create a designer for it.
How to do it...
Create an Activity Designer:
Add an Activity Designer item to the
project and name itMySequenceDesigner.xaml
. Use the following code to replace the default generated code:<sap:ActivityDesigner x:Class="ActivityLibrary.MySequenceDesigner" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:sap="clr-namespace:System.Activities.Presentation;assembly=System.Activities.Presentation" xmlns:sapv="clr-namespace:System.Activities.Presentation.View;assembly=System.Activities.Presentation"> <Grid> <StackPanel> <sap:WorkflowItemsPresenter HintText="Drop Activities Here" Items="{Binding Path=ModelItem.Activities,Mode=TwoWay...