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Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

By : Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez
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Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

By: Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez

Overview of this book

Web applications are a huge point of attack for malicious hackers and a critical area for security professionals and penetration testers to lock down and secure. Kali Linux is a Linux-based penetration testing platform and operating system that provides a huge array of testing tools, many of which can be used specifically to execute web penetration testing. This book will teach you, in the form step-by-step recipes, how to detect a wide array of vulnerabilities, exploit them to analyze their consequences, and ultimately buffer attackable surfaces so applications are more secure, for you and your users. Starting from the setup of a testing laboratory, this book will give you the skills you need to cover every stage of a penetration test: from gathering information about the system and the application to identifying vulnerabilities through manual testing and the use of vulnerability scanners to both basic and advanced exploitation techniques that may lead to a full system compromise. Finally, we will put this into the context of OWASP and the top 10 web application vulnerabilities you are most likely to encounter, equipping you with the ability to combat them effectively. By the end of the book, you will have the required skills to identify, exploit, and prevent web application vulnerabilities.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Creating a vulnerable virtual machine

Now we are ready to create our first virtual machine, it will be the server that will host the web applications we'll use to practice and improve our penetration testing skills.

We will use a virtual machine called OWASP-bwa (OWASP Broken Web Apps) that is a collection of vulnerable web applications specially set up to perform security testing.

How to do it...

  1. Go to and download the latest release's .ova file. At the time of writing, it is OWASP_Broken_Web_Apps_VM_1.1.1.ova.

  2. Wait for the download to finish and then open the file.

  3. VirtualBox's import dialog will launch. If you want to change the machine's name or description, you can do it by double-clicking on the values. We will name it vulnerable_vm.and leave the rest of the options as they are. Click on Import.

  4. The import should take a minute and after that we will see our virtual machine displayed in VirtualBox's list. Let's select it and click on Start.

  5. After the machine starts, we will be asked for login and password, type root as the login and owaspbwa as the password and we are set.

How it works...

OWASP-bwa is a project aimed at providing security professionals and enthusiasts with a safe environment to develop attacking skills and identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, in order to be able to help developers and administrators fix and prevent them.

This virtual machine includes different types of web applications, some of them are based on PHP, some in Java; we even have a couple of .NET-based vulnerable applications. There are also some vulnerable versions of known applications, such as WordPress or Joomla.

See also

There are many options when we talk about vulnerable applications and virtual machines. A remarkable website that holds a great collection of such applications is VulnHub ( It also has walkthroughs that will help you to solve some challenges and develop your skills.

In this book, we will use another virtual machine for some recipes: bWapp Bee-box, which can also be downloaded from VulnHub:,53/.