In this chapter, we discussed the troubleshooting and performance tuning aspects of the GlassFish Server. The intent of this chapter is not to provide a detailed recipe for performing the troubleshooting and tuning tasks, because achieving this in a single chapter is impossible. Instead, we treat this chapter as a practical starting point by focusing on several useful tools that help us identify and resolve some very common issues. The definitive source of the information on troubleshooting and tuning the GlassFish Server is the official documentation set. We hope the tools introduced in this chapter make it much easier to perform the tasks outlined in the official documentation.
In our opinion, GlassFish is an excellent Java EE application server that can go head-to-head against all the other application server products. It not only supports high performance and scalability, but also provides a simple yet effective administration interface. The ten chapters that you have just gone...