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QlikView for Developers Cookbook

By : Stephen Redmond
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QlikView for Developers Cookbook

By: Stephen Redmond

Overview of this book

QlikView has been around since 1993, but has only really taken off in recent years as a leader in the in-memory BI space and, more recently, in the data discovery area. QlikView features the ability to consolidate relevant data from multiple sources into a single application, as well as an associative data model to allow you to explore the data to a way your brain works, state-of-the-art visualizations, dashboard, analysis and reports, and mobile data access. QlikView for Developers Cookbook builds on your initial training and experiences with QlikView to help you become a better developer. This book features plenty of hands-on examples of many challenging functions. Assuming a basic understanding of QlikView development, this book provides a range of step-by-step exercises to teach you different subjects to help build your QlikView developer expertise. From advanced charting and layout to set analysis; from advanced aggregations through to scripting, performance, and security, this book will cover all the areas that you need to know about. The recipes in this book will give you a lot of the information that you need to become an excellent QlikView developer.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
QlikView for Developers Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

About the Author

Stephen Redmond is CTO of CapricornVentis Limited (, a QlikView Elite Partner. He is the author of several books, including the very popular DevLogix series for SalesLogix developers.

In 2006, after working for many years with CRM systems, reporting and analysis solutions, and data integration, Stephen started working with QlikView. Since then, CapricornVentis have become QlikView's top partner in the UK and the Ireland territory and, with Stephen at the head of the team, have implemented QlikView in a wide variety of enterprises and large business customers across a wide range of sectors from public sector to financial services to large retailers.

Stephen regularly contributes to online forums, including the Qlik Community. His QlikView blog is at, and you can follow him on Twitter (@stephencredmond), where he tweets about QlikView, BI, data visualization, and technology in general.