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Pig Design Patterns

By : Pradeep Pasupuleti
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Pig Design Patterns

By: Pradeep Pasupuleti

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Pig Design Patterns
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Chapter 2. Data Ingest and Egress Patterns

In the previous chapter, you were introduced to the high-level concepts of design patterns and saw how they were implemented using Pig. We explored the evolution of Hadoop and Pig, the limitations with traditional systems, and how Hadoop and Pig relate to the enterprise to solve specific issues related to Big Data. The Pig programming language was explained using a ready-made example that elaborated the language features.

We are about to see the power of using Pig design patterns to ingest and egress various data to and from Hadoop. This chapter's overarching goal is to act as a launch pad for a Hadoop practitioner to rapidly load data, start processing and analyzing it as quickly as possible, and then egress it to other systems, without being bogged down in the maze of writing complex MapReduce code.

This chapter begins with an overview of various types of data typically encountered in the Big Data environment and the source of this data. We then...