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Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook

By : Padma Priya Chitturi
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Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook

By: Padma Priya Chitturi

Overview of this book

Spark has emerged as the most promising big data analytics engine for data science professionals. The true power and value of Apache Spark lies in its ability to execute data science tasks with speed and accuracy. Spark’s selling point is that it combines ETL, batch analytics, real-time stream analysis, machine learning, graph processing, and visualizations. It lets you tackle the complexities that come with raw unstructured data sets with ease. This guide will get you comfortable and confident performing data science tasks with Spark. You will learn about implementations including distributed deep learning, numerical computing, and scalable machine learning. You will be shown effective solutions to problematic concepts in data science using Spark’s data science libraries such as MLLib, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and more. These simple and efficient recipes will show you how to implement algorithms and optimize your work.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook
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Loading and saving data

This recipe shows how Spark supports a wide range of input and output sources. Spark makes it very simple to load and save data in a large number of file formats. Formats range from unstructured, such as text, to semi-structured, such as JSON, to structured, such as SequenceFiles.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, you will need a running Spark cluster either in pseudo distributed mode or in one of the distributed modes, that is, standalone, YARN, or Mesos. Also, the reader is expected to have an understanding of text files, JSON, CSV, SequenceFiles, and object files.

How to do it…

  1. Load and save a text file as follows:

          val input = 
          val wholeInput = 
          val result = wholeInput.mapValues{value => val nums = value.split
          (" ").map(x => x.toDouble) 
  2. For loading a JSON file, the people.json input file is taken from the SPARK_HOME folder whose location is /spark-1.6.0/examples/src/main/resource/people.json. Now, loading and saving a JSON file looks like this:

            // Loading JSON file 
            import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule 
            import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.
            import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper 
            import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.databind.
            case class Person(name:String, age:Int) 
            val jsonInput =
            val result = jsonInput.flatMap(record => {
            try{Some(mapper.readValue(record, classOf[Person])) 
            case e:Exception => None 
            }} ) 
            result.filter(person =>
            saveAsTextFile(output File) 
  3. To load and save a CSV file, let's take the stocks data:

           case class Stocks(name:String, totalPrice:Long) 
           val input = sc.textFile("hdfs://namenodeHostName:8020 
           val result ={line => val reader = new CSVReader(new 
           reader.readAll().map(x => Stocks(x(0), x(6))) 
  => Array(, stock.
           totalPrice)).mapPartitions {stock =>  
           val stringWriter = new StringWriter 
           val csvWriter = new CSVWriter(stringWriter) 
  4. Now, let's see the way sequenceFile is loaded and saved:

           val data = sc.sequenceFile(inputFile, classOf[Text],  
           classOf[IntWritable]).map{case(x,y) => (x.toString, y.get())} 
           val input = sc.parallelize(List(("Panda",3),("Kay",6),

How it works…

The call to textFile() on the SparkContext with the path to the file loads the text file as RDD. If there exists multiple input parts in the form of a directory then we can use SparkContext.wholeTextFiles(), which returns a pair RDD with the key as the name of the input file. Well, for handling JSON files, the data is loaded as a text file and then it is parsed using a JSON parser. There are a number of JSON libraries available, but in the example we used the Jackson ( library as it is relatively simple to implement.


Please refer to other JSON libraries, such as this one:

Loading CSV/TSV data is similar to JSON data, that is, first the data is loaded as text and then processed. Similar to JSON, there are various CSV libraries, but for Scala, we used opencsv ( Using CSVReader, the records are parsed and mapped to case class structure. While saving the file, CSVWriter is used to output the file.

When coming to SequenceFile, it is a popular Hadoop format composed of a flat file with key/value pairs. This sequence file implements Hadoop's writable interface. SparkContext.sequenceFile() is the API to load the sequence file in which the parameters classOf[Text] and classOf[IntWritable] indicate the keyClass and valueClass.

There's more…

As Spark is built on the ecosystem of Hadoop, it can access data through the InputFormat and OutputFormat interfaces used by Hadoop MapReduce, which are available for many common file formats and storage systems (for example, S3, HDFS, Cassandra, HBase, and so on).

Spark can also interact with any Hadoop supported formats (for both old and new Hadoop file APIs) using newAPIHadoopFile, which takes a path and three classes. The first class represents the input format. The next class is for our key and the final class is the class of our value. The Spark SQL module provides a more efficient API for structured data sources, which includes JSON and Hive.