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Python Deep Learning

By : Valentino Zocca, Gianmario Spacagna, Daniel Slater, Peter Roelants
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Python Deep Learning

By: Valentino Zocca, Gianmario Spacagna, Daniel Slater, Peter Roelants

Overview of this book

With an increasing interest in AI around the world, deep learning has attracted a great deal of public attention. Every day, deep learning algorithms are used broadly across different industries. The book will give you all the practical information available on the subject, including the best practices, using real-world use cases. You will learn to recognize and extract information to increase predictive accuracy and optimize results. Starting with a quick recap of important machine learning concepts, the book will delve straight into deep learning principles using Sci-kit learn. Moving ahead, you will learn to use the latest open source libraries such as Theano, Keras, Google's TensorFlow, and H20. Use this guide to uncover the difficulties of pattern recognition, scaling data with greater accuracy and discussing deep learning algorithms and techniques. Whether you want to dive deeper into Deep Learning, or want to investigate how to get more out of this powerful technology, you’ll find everything inside.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Python Deep Learning
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Real-world applications of anomaly detection

Anomalies can happen in any system. Technically, you can always find a never-seen-before event that could not be found in the system's historical data. The implications of detecting those observations in some contexts can have a great impact (positive and negative).

In the field of law enforcement, anomaly detection could be used to reveal criminal activities (supposing you are in an area where the average person is honest enough to identify criminals standing out of the distribution).

In a network system, anomaly detection can help at finding external intrusions or suspicious activities of users, for instance, an employee who is accidentally or intentionally leaking large amounts of data outside the company intranet. Or maybe a hacker opening connections on non-common ports and/or protocols. In the specific case of Internet security, anomaly detection could be used for stopping new malware from spreading out by simply looking at spikes of visitors...