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SQL Server 2016 Developer's Guide

By : Miloš Radivojević, Dejan Sarka, William Durkin
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SQL Server 2016 Developer's Guide

By: Miloš Radivojević, Dejan Sarka, William Durkin

Overview of this book

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is considered the biggest leap in the data platform history of the Microsoft, in the ongoing era of Big Data and data science. This book introduces you to the new features of SQL Server 2016 that will open a completely new set of possibilities for you as a developer. It prepares you for the more advanced topics by starting with a quick introduction to SQL Server 2016's new features and a recapitulation of the possibilities you may have already explored with previous versions of SQL Server. The next part introduces you to small delights in the Transact-SQL language and then switches to a completely new technology inside SQL Server - JSON support. We also take a look at the Stretch database, security enhancements, and temporal tables. The last chapters concentrate on implementing advanced topics, including Query Store, column store indexes, and In-Memory OLTP. You will finally be introduced to R and learn how to use the R language with Transact-SQL for data exploration and analysis. By the end of this book, you will have the required information to design efficient, high-performance database applications without any hassle.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
SQL Server 2016 Developer's Guide
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In-Memory OLTP Improvements in SQL Server 2016

Querying and data manipulation

Now that we have a memory-optimized table, the next logical step is to start querying the table and manipulating the data stored inside it.

We have two methods of interacting with these memory-optimized objects. Firstly, we can issue standard T-SQL queries and allow the SQL Server Query Optimizer to deal with accessing this new type of table. The second method is to use Natively Compiled Stored Procedures.

Figure 11.4: Overview of the SQL Server engine illustrating Query Interop between In-Memory OLTP and "normal" OLTP

In Figure 11.4, we can see a simplified diagram of a query that is either querying "normal" tables or memory-optimized tables. In the center of the diagram is a node titled Query Interop. This is a mechanism that is responsible for enabling "normal" interpreted T-SQL statements to access memory optimized tables. Note that this is a one-way mechanism and that the natively compiled stored procedures are not able to access traditional objects, only...