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R: Mining spatial, text, web, and social media data

By : Nathan H. Danneman, Richard Heimann, Pradeepta Mishra, Bater Makhabel
Book Image

R: Mining spatial, text, web, and social media data

By: Nathan H. Danneman, Richard Heimann, Pradeepta Mishra, Bater Makhabel

Overview of this book

Data mining is the first step to understanding data and making sense of heaps of data. Properly mined data forms the basis of all data analysis and computing performed on it. This learning path will take you from the very basics of data mining to advanced data mining techniques, and will end up with a specialized branch of data mining—social media mining. You will learn how to manipulate data with R using code snippets and how to mine frequent patterns, association, and correlation while working with R programs. You will discover how to write code for various predication models, stream data, and time-series data. You will also be introduced to solutions written in R based on R Hadoop projects. Now that you are comfortable with data mining with R, you will move on to implementing your knowledge with the help of end-to-end data mining projects. You will learn how to apply different mining concepts to various statistical and data applications in a wide range of fields. At this stage, you will be able to complete complex data mining cases and handle any issues you might encounter during projects. After this, you will gain hands-on experience of generating insights from social media data. You will get detailed instructions on how to obtain, process, and analyze a variety of socially-generated data while providing a theoretical background to accurately interpret your findings. You will be shown R code and examples of data that can be used as a springboard as you get the chance to undertake your own analyses of business, social, or political data. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ? Learning Data Mining with R by Bater Makhabel ? R Data Mining Blueprints by Pradeepta Mishra ? Social Media Mining with R by Nathan Danneman and Richard Heimann
Table of Contents (6 chapters)

Chapter 5. Cluster Analysis

Clustering is defined as an unsupervised classification of a dataset. The objective of the clustering algorithm is to divide the given dataset (a set of points or objects) into groups of data instances or objects (or points) with distance or probabilistic measures. Members in the same groups are closer by distance or similarity or by other measures. In other words, maximize the similarity of the intracluster (internal homogeneity) and minimize the similarity of the intercluster (external separation).

In this chapter, you will learn how to implement the top algorithms for clusters with R; these algorithms are listed here:

  • Search engine and the k-means algorithm
  • Automatic abstracting of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
  • The CLARA algorithm
  • Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering
  • Web page clustering and spectral clustering
  • News categorization and hierarchical clustering

A clustering algorithm is used for the preparation of further analysis, while the other objective is to understand the nature of the dataset. The most common clustering process is illustrated in the following diagram:

Cluster Analysis

The key steps in this process include the following:

  • Feature selection: This step chooses distinguished features from the original dataset
  • Clustering algorithm design: This step designs an appropriate algorithm based on the currently available clustering algorithms, or it just builds one from scratch
  • Cluster validation: This step evaluates the clusters and provides a degree of confidence about the result
  • Result interpretation: This step gives an intrinsic idea of the input dataset

There are many categorization methods to categorize clustering algorithms; the major categories are partition-based methods, density-based methods, hierarchical methods, spectral methods, grid-based methods, and so on.

Every clustering algorithm has its limitations and best practices for certain conditions or datasets. Once an algorithm is chosen, the parameters and distance measures (only for some algorithms) related to that algorithm need careful consideration as well. Then, we will list the most popular clustering algorithms and their corresponding parallel versions (if available).

Here is the short list of clustering algorithms and their complexities:

Cluster algorithm

Capability of tracking high dimensional data



Fuzzy c-means


Hierarchical clustering
























The difficulties or targets in another aspect of clustering algorithms are the arbitrary shape of clusters, large volume of datasets, high-dimensional datasets, insensitivity to noise or outlier, low reliance to user-defined parameters, capability of dealing with new data without learning after the initial learning or clustering, sensitivity to the intrinsic, or nature of the number of clusters, nice data visualization, and application to both numeric or nominal data types.

Search engines and the k-means algorithm

The general process of partition-based clustering is iterative. The first step defines or chooses a predefined number of representatives of the cluster and updates the representative after each iteration if the measure for the clustering quality has improved. The following diagram shows the typical process, that is, the partition of the given dataset into disjoint clusters:

Search engines and the k-means algorithm

The characteristics of partition-based clustering methods are as follows:

  • The resulting clusters are exclusive in most of the circumstances
  • The shape of the clusters are spherical, because of most of the measures adopted are distance-based measures
  • The representative of each cluster is usually the mean or medoid of the corresponding group (cluster) of points
  • A partition represents a cluster
  • These clusters are applicable for small-to-medium datasets
  • The algorithm will converge under certain convergence object functions, and the result clusters are often local optimum

The k-means clustering algorithm is basically a greedy approach that defines the centroid of each cluster with its mean value. It is efficient for dealing with a large dataset. The k-means algorithm is a kind of exclusive clustering algorithm in which data is clustered in an exclusive way, and one object only belongs to, at the most, one group or cluster. It is also a type of partitional clustering algorithm in which clusters are created in one step, in contrast to a couple of steps.

The value of k is often determined by the domain knowledge, the dataset, and so on. At the start, k objects in the initial dataset D (the size of D is n, where Search engines and the k-means algorithm) are randomly selected as the initial centers for the initial k clusters. In the iteration of the k-means algorithm, each object is assigned to the most similar or closest (various measures are used for distance or similarity) cluster (mean). Once the iteration ends, the mean for each cluster is updated or relocated. The k-means algorithm performs as much iteration as possible until there is no change that the clusters get from the previous clustering.

The quality of the specific cluster of the clustering algorithm is measured by various merits. One of them is formulated in the following equation. This is within the cluster variation measure, where Search engines and the k-means algorithm stands for the centroid of the cluster Search engines and the k-means algorithm. Here, k is the number of clusters, whereas Search engines and the k-means algorithm represents the Euclidean distance of the two points. The minimum value of E is the needed value and depicts the best quality clusters. This evaluation or assessing objective function serves as the ideal one, though not practical for concrete problems. The k-means algorithm provides easy methods for an approximate-to-ideal value. The k-means algorithm is also known as the squared error-based clustering algorithm.

Search engines and the k-means algorithm
Search engines and the k-means algorithm

In practice, the k-means algorithm can run several times with a different initial set of centroids to find a relatively better result.

The varieties of the k-means clustering algorithm are designed with different solutions for the selection of initial k centroids or means. The similarity or dissimilarity is measured, and the way to calculate the means is established.

The shortages of the k-means clustering method are listed as follows:

  • The means of clusters must be defined with a function
  • It is only applicable to numeric data type
  • The value of k needs to be predefined by users, and it is difficult


    The guidelines or thumb rules for the k-means clustering method are as follows:

    • Remember this method is sensitive to noise and outlier
    • This method is only applicable to clusters with closer sizes
    • This method finds it difficult to find nonconvex shapes

The k-means clustering algorithm

The input parameters for a dual SVM algorithm is as follows:

  • D, which is the set of training objects
  • K
  • The k-means clustering algorithm

These parameters are used as depicted in the summarized pseudocodes of the k-means clustering algorithm given as follows:

The k-means clustering algorithm

The kernel k-means algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the kernel k-means clustering algorithm is as follows:

The kernel k-means algorithm

The k-modes algorithm

This algorithm is a variant of the k-means algorithm; it can deal with categorical data types and large datasets. It can be integrated with the k-means method to deal with the clustering of the dataset that contains all data types. The algorithm is mentioned as follows:

The k-modes algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_kmeans.R, ch_05_kernel_kmeans.R, and ch_05_kmedoids.R R code files from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The code can be tested using the following commands:

> source("ch_05_kmeans.R")
> source("ch_05_kernel_kmeans.R")
> source("ch_05_kmedoids.R")

Parallel version with MapReduce

The parallelized k-means is listed as follows:

Parallel version with MapReduce
Parallel version with MapReduce
Parallel version with MapReduce

Search engine and web page clustering

Along with the nonstop accumulation of Internet documents, the difficulties in finding some useful information keeps increasing. To find information in these documents or web pages or from the Web, four search methodologies are provided to us:

  • The unassisted keyword search
  • The assisted keyword search
  • The directory-based search
  • The query-by-example search

Web page clustering is an important preprocessing step to web data mining, which is one solution among the many possible solutions. The document clustering occurs in the progress of IR and text clustering. Many web clustering criteria are provided, such as the semantic, the structure, the usage-based criteria, and so on. Domain knowledge plays an important role in web page clustering.

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is applied during the preprocessing of the document dataset. One modeling method to represent a data instance for document clustering is the vector-space model. Given a term space, each dimension with a specific term in the documents and any document in the original document dataset can be represented by a vector, as depicted in the following equation. This definition implies that mostly, frequently used terms play an important role in the document:

Search engine and web page clustering

Each value in a dimension denotes the frequency of the term that labels the dimension appearing in the document. For simplicity, the vector needs to be normalized as a unit length before processing it further, the stop words should be removed, and so on. As a potential and popular solution, the TF often weighs every term using the inverse document frequency among the document datasets. The inverse document frequency is denoted by the following formula in which n is the dataset size, and Search engine and web page clustering is the document's number that contains the term, Search engine and web page clustering:

Search engine and web page clustering

Given the definition of inverse document frequency, there is another popular definition of the vector model to denote a document in the document collection for further processing using a clustering algorithm; Search engine and web page clustering is the frequency of term Search engine and web page clustering in the document Search engine and web page clustering:

Search engine and web page clustering
Search engine and web page clustering

The measures used in the document clustering are versatile and tremendous. Cosine method is one among them, and we will use the vector dot production in the equation while the corresponding centroid is defined as c in the successive equation:

Search engine and web page clustering
Search engine and web page clustering

Reuters-21578 is one publicly-available document dataset for further research. TREC-5, 6, and 7 are also open source datasets.

With this measure definition, the k-means algorithm is used for web page clustering, as it displays its efficiency and always acts as a component for a practical web search engine.

Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm

The k-medoids algorithm is extended from the k-means algorithm to decrease the sensitivity to the outlier data points.

Given the dataset D and the predefined parameter k, the k-medoids algorithm or the PAM algorithm can be described as shown in the upcoming paragraphs.

As per a clustering related to a set of k medoids, the quality is measured by the average distance between the members in each cluster and the corresponding representative or medoids.

An arbitrary selection of k objects from the initial dataset of objects is the first step to find the k medoids. In each step, for a selected object Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm and a nonselected node Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, if the quality of the cluster is improved as a result of swapping them, then a swap is performed.

The cluster quality should be the sum of all the differences in the distance between the members and medoids, before and after the swap. For each nonselected object Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, there are four difference cases under consideration (they are marked out in the following diagram). Given a set of medoids, one of them is Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, and the cluster related to it is Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm.

Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
  • Case 1: The first difference case is Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, given that Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm is the representative of the second medoid that is closer or more similar to Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm:
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
    After swapping, Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm will be relocated to Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, and the cost of swapping will be defined as follows:
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
  • Case 2: The second difference case is Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm. After swapping, Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm will be relocated to Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, and the cost of swapping is defined as follows:
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
  • Case 3: Here, Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm and Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm. After swapping, the cost of swapping is defined as follows:
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
  • Case 4: Here, Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm and Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm. After swapping,
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm
    will be relocated to Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm, and the cost of swapping is defined as follows:
    Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm

At the end of each swapping step, the total cost of swapping is defined as follows:

Automatic abstraction of document texts and the k-medoids algorithm

The PAM algorithm

The PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) algorithm is a partitional clustering algorithm. The summarized pseudocode for the PAM algorithm is as follows:

The PAM algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_kmedoids.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previous algorithms. The code can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_kmedoids.R")

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Along with the increase in the size and quantity of documents on the Internet, the efficient algorithms are always in urgent need to get usable summarization or distill the key information. The documents will in versatile formats, structured or unstructured. The tasks include summarization of a single document or multiple documents. More extended target to extract summarization from multimedia files. Other challenges include summarizing multilingual documents. Abstraction requires the tool support from KNLP for grammar and lexicons for analyses and generation. One possible process for the abstraction is illustrated as follows:

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Many approaches are suggested for automatic abstraction of document text, such as automatic extraction, automatic abstraction based on understanding, information extraction, and automatic abstraction based on structures. Possible features to be adapted to design the summarization system include the sentence length cutoff, fixed-phrase, paragraph, thematic word, and uppercase word features.

Abstraction or summarization popularly has been defined as a process with two steps. An intermediate representation of some sort is retrieved by the extraction of important concepts from the source texts. Given the intermediate representation, the summary is generated.

For the first step of the summarization process, it can largely be treated as part of automatic indexing. Lexical chains to extract important concepts from a document are one possible solution. Lexical chains exploit the cohesion among an arbitrary number of related words, and they are calculated by grouping (chaining) sets of words that are semantically related.

The PAM algorithm

The PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) algorithm is a partitional clustering algorithm. The summarized pseudocode for the PAM algorithm is as follows:

The PAM algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_kmedoids.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previous algorithms. The code can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_kmedoids.R")

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Along with the increase in the size and quantity of documents on the Internet, the efficient algorithms are always in urgent need to get usable summarization or distill the key information. The documents will in versatile formats, structured or unstructured. The tasks include summarization of a single document or multiple documents. More extended target to extract summarization from multimedia files. Other challenges include summarizing multilingual documents. Abstraction requires the tool support from KNLP for grammar and lexicons for analyses and generation. One possible process for the abstraction is illustrated as follows:

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Many approaches are suggested for automatic abstraction of document text, such as automatic extraction, automatic abstraction based on understanding, information extraction, and automatic abstraction based on structures. Possible features to be adapted to design the summarization system include the sentence length cutoff, fixed-phrase, paragraph, thematic word, and uppercase word features.

Abstraction or summarization popularly has been defined as a process with two steps. An intermediate representation of some sort is retrieved by the extraction of important concepts from the source texts. Given the intermediate representation, the summary is generated.

For the first step of the summarization process, it can largely be treated as part of automatic indexing. Lexical chains to extract important concepts from a document are one possible solution. Lexical chains exploit the cohesion among an arbitrary number of related words, and they are calculated by grouping (chaining) sets of words that are semantically related.

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_kmedoids.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previous algorithms. The code can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_kmedoids.R")

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Along with the increase in the size and quantity of documents on the Internet, the efficient algorithms are always in urgent need to get usable summarization or distill the key information. The documents will in versatile formats, structured or unstructured. The tasks include summarization of a single document or multiple documents. More extended target to extract summarization from multimedia files. Other challenges include summarizing multilingual documents. Abstraction requires the tool support from KNLP for grammar and lexicons for analyses and generation. One possible process for the abstraction is illustrated as follows:

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Many approaches are suggested for automatic abstraction of document text, such as automatic extraction, automatic abstraction based on understanding, information extraction, and automatic abstraction based on structures. Possible features to be adapted to design the summarization system include the sentence length cutoff, fixed-phrase, paragraph, thematic word, and uppercase word features.

Abstraction or summarization popularly has been defined as a process with two steps. An intermediate representation of some sort is retrieved by the extraction of important concepts from the source texts. Given the intermediate representation, the summary is generated.

For the first step of the summarization process, it can largely be treated as part of automatic indexing. Lexical chains to extract important concepts from a document are one possible solution. Lexical chains exploit the cohesion among an arbitrary number of related words, and they are calculated by grouping (chaining) sets of words that are semantically related.

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Along with the increase in the size and quantity of documents on the Internet, the efficient algorithms are always in urgent need to get usable summarization or distill the key information. The documents will in versatile formats, structured or unstructured. The tasks include summarization of a single document or multiple documents. More extended target to extract summarization from multimedia files. Other challenges include summarizing multilingual documents. Abstraction requires the tool support from KNLP for grammar and lexicons for analyses and generation. One possible process for the abstraction is illustrated as follows:

Automatic abstraction and summarization of document text

Many approaches are suggested for automatic abstraction of document text, such as automatic extraction, automatic abstraction based on understanding, information extraction, and automatic abstraction based on structures. Possible features to be adapted to design the summarization system include the sentence length cutoff, fixed-phrase, paragraph, thematic word, and uppercase word features.

Abstraction or summarization popularly has been defined as a process with two steps. An intermediate representation of some sort is retrieved by the extraction of important concepts from the source texts. Given the intermediate representation, the summary is generated.

For the first step of the summarization process, it can largely be treated as part of automatic indexing. Lexical chains to extract important concepts from a document are one possible solution. Lexical chains exploit the cohesion among an arbitrary number of related words, and they are calculated by grouping (chaining) sets of words that are semantically related.

The CLARA algorithm

Instead of taking the whole set of data into consideration, the CLARA (Clustering LARge Application) algorithm randomly chooses a small portion of the actual data as a representative of the data. Medoids are then chosen from this sample using PAM. If the sample is selected in a fairly random manner, it should closely represent the original dataset.

CLARA draws multiple samples of the dataset, applies PAM to each sample, finds the medoids, and then returns its best clustering as the output. At first, a sample dataset D' is drawn from the original dataset D, and the PAM algorithm is applied to D' to find the k medoids. Use these k medoids and the dataset D to calculate the current dissimilarity. If it is smaller than the one you get in the previous iteration, then these k medoids are kept as the best k medoids. The whole process is performed a specified number of times.

The CLARA algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the CLARA algorithm is as follows:

The CLARA algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clara.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clara.R")

The CLARA algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the CLARA algorithm is as follows:

The CLARA algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clara.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clara.R")

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clara.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clara.R")


CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search) is efficient and effective and is the best practice for spatial data mining. CLARANS applies a strategy to search in a certain graph. A node in this graph, denoting it as CLARANS, is represented by a set of objects, CLARANS,CLARANS. Here, k is the predefined value to choose the k medoids; as a result, the nodes in the graph are a set of CLARANS. If two nodes, CLARANS, and CLARANS are neighbors, then CLARANS. Each node in the CLARANS graph represents a set of medoids and the cluster related to it. As a result, a cost is related to each node; this cost is the total distance between any objects and the medoid represents its cluster. The cost differential of two neighbors can be calculated with the cost measure function introduced in the PAM algorithm.

The CLARANS algorithm

The input parameters for the CLARANS algorithm are as follows:

  • D, which is the training tuples dataset
  • numlocal
  • maxneighbor

The output of the algorithm is:

  • bestnode

The summarized pseudocode for the CLARANS algorithm is as follows:

The CLARANS algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clarans.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clarans.R")

The CLARANS algorithm

The input parameters for the CLARANS algorithm are as follows:

  • D, which is the training tuples dataset
  • numlocal
  • maxneighbor

The output of the algorithm is:

  • bestnode

The summarized pseudocode for the CLARANS algorithm is as follows:

The CLARANS algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clarans.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clarans.R")

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_clarans.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_clarans.R")

Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering

AP (Affinity Propagation) finds a set of exemplars, Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering, in the dataset and assigns nonselected points to the exemplars. An exemplar is the representative of a cluster.

Two types of messages are exchanged between data objects or points; they are explained here:

  • The r(i,k) message, which is called responsibility, represents the accumulated evidence sent from Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering to Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering. It informs us that Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering is suitable to serve as the exemplar of point Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering. Every candidate is counted in.
  • The a(i,k) message, which is called availability, denotes the accumulated evidence sent from Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering to Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering. It informs us that Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering should be the exemplar. Every support from other points is well considered.

Both r(i, k) and a(i,k) are initialized as 0 at the beginning of the algorithm:

Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering
Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering

Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering, for s(k, k) is initialized with the same value (typically defined with heuristic knowledge) for each point at the start and updated in the following description to recur the affection. s(i, k) denotes the extent to which Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering is suited to be the exemplar of Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering. Here is a possible value for s(i, i) to be set as a constant:

Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering
Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering
Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering

The index of exemplar, Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering, which is for data point Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering, is defined with the following formula:

arg max {a(i,k) + r(i,k), k = 1,…, N}

Given R = (r(i, j)) as the responsibility matrix and A = (a(i, j)) as the availability matrix, t represents the iteration counts, where a damping factor Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering is set to depress numerical oscillations that might arise:

Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering
Unsupervised image categorization and affinity propagation clustering

Affinity propagation clustering

Affinity propagation itself is summarized as follows:

Affinity propagation clustering

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_affinity_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_affinity_clustering.R")

Unsupervised image categorization

Due to the massive number of images and other multimedia documents, the task to classify images becomes even harder than before. Unsupervised image categorization is frequently utilized by image and video summarization, or it just serves as a preprocessing step in supervised methods for classification.

One major issue related to unsupervised image categorization is to estimate the distribution of image categories. Further on, finding the most descriptive prototypes of the image categories is another main issue of image categorization.

Each image can be represented as a high-dimensional data instance, including features related to color, texture, and shape. The exemplar technique is applied here; it represents image categories by a small set of image or its fragments. Given exemplar concepts, the dimension of an image data instance reduces to a relatively small size and eases further processing. The measures applied here include the Chamfer, Hausdorff, and shuffle distances.

Natural categories of the dataset can be of various complex types; overlapping might be a frequent shape.

Unsupervised image categorization or classification is a clustering problem. Image clustering is to identify a set of similar image primitives, such as pixels, line elements, regions, and so on. Given the complex dataset, the recommended way is to use the prototype-based clustering algorithm. Affinity propagation algorithms can be applied to unsupervised categorization by finding a subset of representative exemplars.

The spectral clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the spectral clustering algorithm is as follows:

The spectral clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

Affinity propagation clustering

Affinity propagation itself is summarized as follows:

Affinity propagation clustering

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_affinity_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_affinity_clustering.R")

Unsupervised image categorization

Due to the massive number of images and other multimedia documents, the task to classify images becomes even harder than before. Unsupervised image categorization is frequently utilized by image and video summarization, or it just serves as a preprocessing step in supervised methods for classification.

One major issue related to unsupervised image categorization is to estimate the distribution of image categories. Further on, finding the most descriptive prototypes of the image categories is another main issue of image categorization.

Each image can be represented as a high-dimensional data instance, including features related to color, texture, and shape. The exemplar technique is applied here; it represents image categories by a small set of image or its fragments. Given exemplar concepts, the dimension of an image data instance reduces to a relatively small size and eases further processing. The measures applied here include the Chamfer, Hausdorff, and shuffle distances.

Natural categories of the dataset can be of various complex types; overlapping might be a frequent shape.

Unsupervised image categorization or classification is a clustering problem. Image clustering is to identify a set of similar image primitives, such as pixels, line elements, regions, and so on. Given the complex dataset, the recommended way is to use the prototype-based clustering algorithm. Affinity propagation algorithms can be applied to unsupervised categorization by finding a subset of representative exemplars.

The spectral clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the spectral clustering algorithm is as follows:

The spectral clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_affinity_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_affinity_clustering.R")

Unsupervised image categorization

Due to the massive number of images and other multimedia documents, the task to classify images becomes even harder than before. Unsupervised image categorization is frequently utilized by image and video summarization, or it just serves as a preprocessing step in supervised methods for classification.

One major issue related to unsupervised image categorization is to estimate the distribution of image categories. Further on, finding the most descriptive prototypes of the image categories is another main issue of image categorization.

Each image can be represented as a high-dimensional data instance, including features related to color, texture, and shape. The exemplar technique is applied here; it represents image categories by a small set of image or its fragments. Given exemplar concepts, the dimension of an image data instance reduces to a relatively small size and eases further processing. The measures applied here include the Chamfer, Hausdorff, and shuffle distances.

Natural categories of the dataset can be of various complex types; overlapping might be a frequent shape.

Unsupervised image categorization or classification is a clustering problem. Image clustering is to identify a set of similar image primitives, such as pixels, line elements, regions, and so on. Given the complex dataset, the recommended way is to use the prototype-based clustering algorithm. Affinity propagation algorithms can be applied to unsupervised categorization by finding a subset of representative exemplars.

The spectral clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the spectral clustering algorithm is as follows:

The spectral clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

Unsupervised image categorization

Due to the massive number of images and other multimedia documents, the task to classify images becomes even harder than before. Unsupervised image categorization is frequently utilized by image and video summarization, or it just serves as a preprocessing step in supervised methods for classification.

One major issue related to unsupervised image categorization is to estimate the distribution of image categories. Further on, finding the most descriptive prototypes of the image categories is another main issue of image categorization.

Each image can be represented as a high-dimensional data instance, including features related to color, texture, and shape. The exemplar technique is applied here; it represents image categories by a small set of image or its fragments. Given exemplar concepts, the dimension of an image data instance reduces to a relatively small size and eases further processing. The measures applied here include the Chamfer, Hausdorff, and shuffle distances.

Natural categories of the dataset can be of various complex types; overlapping might be a frequent shape.

Unsupervised image categorization or classification is a clustering problem. Image clustering is to identify a set of similar image primitives, such as pixels, line elements, regions, and so on. Given the complex dataset, the recommended way is to use the prototype-based clustering algorithm. Affinity propagation algorithms can be applied to unsupervised categorization by finding a subset of representative exemplars.

The spectral clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the spectral clustering algorithm is as follows:

The spectral clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

The spectral clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the spectral clustering algorithm is as follows:

The spectral clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ spectral_clustering.R")

News categorization and hierarchical clustering

Hierarchical clustering divides the target dataset into multilevels or a hierarchy of clusters. It segments data points along with successive partitions.

There are two strategies for hierarchical clustering. Agglomerative clustering starts with each data object in the input dataset as a cluster, and then in the following steps, clusters are merged according to certain similarity measures that end in only one cluster. Divisive clustering, in contrast, starts with one cluster with all the data objects in the input dataset as members, and then, the cluster splits according to certain similarity measures in the following steps, and at the end, singleton clusters of individual data objects are left.

The characteristics of hierarchical clustering methods are as follows:

  • Multilevel decomposition.
  • The merges or splits cannot perform a rollback. The error in the algorithm that is introduced by merging or splitting cannot be corrected.
  • The hybrid algorithm.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

The summarized pseudocode for the agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

The BIRCH algorithm

The BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) algorithm is designed for large dynamic datasets and can also be applied to incremental and dynamic clustering. Only one pass of dataset is required, and this means that there is no need to read the whole dataset in advance.

CF-Tree is a helper data structure that is used to store the summary of clusters, and it is also a representative of a cluster. Each node in the CF-Tree is declared as a list of entries, The BIRCH algorithm, and B is the predefined entry limitation. The BIRCH algorithm denotes the link to the ith child.

Given The BIRCH algorithm as the representative of cluster i, is defined as The BIRCH algorithm, where The BIRCH algorithm is the member count of the cluster, LS is the linear sum of the member objects, and SS is the squared sum of the member objects.

The leave of the CF-Tree must conform to the diameter limitation. The diameter of the The BIRCH algorithm cluster must be less than the predefined threshold value, T.

The main helper algorithms in BIRCH are CF-Tree insertion and CF-Tree rebuilding.

The summarized pseudocode for the BIRCH algorithm is as follows:

The BIRCH algorithm

The chameleon algorithm

The overall framework for the chameleon algorithm is illustrated in the following diagram:

The chameleon algorithm

There are three main steps in the chameleon algorithm, which are as follows:

  • Sparsification: This step is to generate a k-Nearest Neighbor graph, which is derived from a proximity graph.
  • Graph partitioning: This step applies a multilevel graph-partitioning algorithm to partition the dataset. The initial graph is an all-inclusive graph or cluster. This then bisects the largest graph in each successive step, and finally, we get a group of roughly, equally-sized clusters (with high intrasimilarity). Each resulting cluster has a size not more than a predefined size, that is, MIN_SIZE.
  • Agglomerative hierarchical clustering: This last step is where the clusters are merged based on self-similarity. The notion of self-similarity is defined with the RI and RC; they can be combined in various ways to be a measure of self-similarity.

Relative Closeness (RC), given the The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm clusters with sizes The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm, respectively. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that connect the two clusters. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

Relative Interconnectivity (RI) is defined in the following equation. Here, The chameleon algorithm is the sum of the edges to connect the two clusters, and The chameleon algorithm is the minimum sum of the cut edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the chameleon algorithm is as follows:

The chameleon algorithm

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

The summarized pseudocode for the agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

The BIRCH algorithm

The BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) algorithm is designed for large dynamic datasets and can also be applied to incremental and dynamic clustering. Only one pass of dataset is required, and this means that there is no need to read the whole dataset in advance.

CF-Tree is a helper data structure that is used to store the summary of clusters, and it is also a representative of a cluster. Each node in the CF-Tree is declared as a list of entries, The BIRCH algorithm, and B is the predefined entry limitation. The BIRCH algorithm denotes the link to the ith child.

Given The BIRCH algorithm as the representative of cluster i, is defined as The BIRCH algorithm, where The BIRCH algorithm is the member count of the cluster, LS is the linear sum of the member objects, and SS is the squared sum of the member objects.

The leave of the CF-Tree must conform to the diameter limitation. The diameter of the The BIRCH algorithm cluster must be less than the predefined threshold value, T.

The main helper algorithms in BIRCH are CF-Tree insertion and CF-Tree rebuilding.

The summarized pseudocode for the BIRCH algorithm is as follows:

The BIRCH algorithm

The chameleon algorithm

The overall framework for the chameleon algorithm is illustrated in the following diagram:

The chameleon algorithm

There are three main steps in the chameleon algorithm, which are as follows:

  • Sparsification: This step is to generate a k-Nearest Neighbor graph, which is derived from a proximity graph.
  • Graph partitioning: This step applies a multilevel graph-partitioning algorithm to partition the dataset. The initial graph is an all-inclusive graph or cluster. This then bisects the largest graph in each successive step, and finally, we get a group of roughly, equally-sized clusters (with high intrasimilarity). Each resulting cluster has a size not more than a predefined size, that is, MIN_SIZE.
  • Agglomerative hierarchical clustering: This last step is where the clusters are merged based on self-similarity. The notion of self-similarity is defined with the RI and RC; they can be combined in various ways to be a measure of self-similarity.

Relative Closeness (RC), given the The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm clusters with sizes The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm, respectively. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that connect the two clusters. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

Relative Interconnectivity (RI) is defined in the following equation. Here, The chameleon algorithm is the sum of the edges to connect the two clusters, and The chameleon algorithm is the minimum sum of the cut edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the chameleon algorithm is as follows:

The chameleon algorithm

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

The BIRCH algorithm

The BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) algorithm is designed for large dynamic datasets and can also be applied to incremental and dynamic clustering. Only one pass of dataset is required, and this means that there is no need to read the whole dataset in advance.

CF-Tree is a helper data structure that is used to store the summary of clusters, and it is also a representative of a cluster. Each node in the CF-Tree is declared as a list of entries, The BIRCH algorithm, and B is the predefined entry limitation. The BIRCH algorithm denotes the link to the ith child.

Given The BIRCH algorithm as the representative of cluster i, is defined as The BIRCH algorithm, where The BIRCH algorithm is the member count of the cluster, LS is the linear sum of the member objects, and SS is the squared sum of the member objects.

The leave of the CF-Tree must conform to the diameter limitation. The diameter of the The BIRCH algorithm cluster must be less than the predefined threshold value, T.

The main helper algorithms in BIRCH are CF-Tree insertion and CF-Tree rebuilding.

The summarized pseudocode for the BIRCH algorithm is as follows:

The BIRCH algorithm

The chameleon algorithm

The overall framework for the chameleon algorithm is illustrated in the following diagram:

The chameleon algorithm

There are three main steps in the chameleon algorithm, which are as follows:

  • Sparsification: This step is to generate a k-Nearest Neighbor graph, which is derived from a proximity graph.
  • Graph partitioning: This step applies a multilevel graph-partitioning algorithm to partition the dataset. The initial graph is an all-inclusive graph or cluster. This then bisects the largest graph in each successive step, and finally, we get a group of roughly, equally-sized clusters (with high intrasimilarity). Each resulting cluster has a size not more than a predefined size, that is, MIN_SIZE.
  • Agglomerative hierarchical clustering: This last step is where the clusters are merged based on self-similarity. The notion of self-similarity is defined with the RI and RC; they can be combined in various ways to be a measure of self-similarity.

Relative Closeness (RC), given the The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm clusters with sizes The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm, respectively. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that connect the two clusters. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

Relative Interconnectivity (RI) is defined in the following equation. Here, The chameleon algorithm is the sum of the edges to connect the two clusters, and The chameleon algorithm is the minimum sum of the cut edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the chameleon algorithm is as follows:

The chameleon algorithm

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

The chameleon algorithm

The overall framework for the chameleon algorithm is illustrated in the following diagram:

The chameleon algorithm

There are three main steps in the chameleon algorithm, which are as follows:

  • Sparsification: This step is to generate a k-Nearest Neighbor graph, which is derived from a proximity graph.
  • Graph partitioning: This step applies a multilevel graph-partitioning algorithm to partition the dataset. The initial graph is an all-inclusive graph or cluster. This then bisects the largest graph in each successive step, and finally, we get a group of roughly, equally-sized clusters (with high intrasimilarity). Each resulting cluster has a size not more than a predefined size, that is, MIN_SIZE.
  • Agglomerative hierarchical clustering: This last step is where the clusters are merged based on self-similarity. The notion of self-similarity is defined with the RI and RC; they can be combined in various ways to be a measure of self-similarity.

Relative Closeness (RC), given the The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm clusters with sizes The chameleon algorithm and The chameleon algorithm, respectively. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that connect the two clusters. The chameleon algorithm denotes the average weight of the edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

Relative Interconnectivity (RI) is defined in the following equation. Here, The chameleon algorithm is the sum of the edges to connect the two clusters, and The chameleon algorithm is the minimum sum of the cut edges that bisect the The chameleon algorithm cluster:

The chameleon algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the chameleon algorithm is as follows:

The chameleon algorithm

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The summarized pseudocode for the Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm is as follows:

The Bayesian hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm is a hybrid of hierarchical clustering and probabilistic clustering algorithms. As a probabilistic clustering algorithm, it applies a completely probabilistic approach, as depicted here:

The probabilistic hierarchical clustering algorithm

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

The R implementation

Take a look at the ch_05_ahclustering.R R code file from the bundle of R code for the previously mentioned algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_05_ahclustering.R")

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

News categorization

News portals provide visitors with tremendous news categorized with a predefined set of topics. With the exponential growth of information we receive from the Internet, clustering technologies are widely used for web documents categorization, which include online news. These are often news streams or news feeds.

One advantage of a clustering algorithm for this task is that there is no need for prior domain knowledge. News can be summarized by clustering news that covers specific events. Unsupervised clustering can also play a pivotal role in discovering the intrinsic topical structure of the existing text collections, while new categorization is used to classify the documents according to a predefined set of classes.

Services such as Google News are provided. For a story published by a couple of new agencies or even the same agency, there are often various versions that exist at the same time or span the same range of days. Here, clustering can help aggregate the news related to the same story, and the result is a better overview of the current story for visitors.

As preprocessing steps, plain texts are extracted from the web pages or news pages. Reuters-22173 and -21578 are two popular documents dataset used for research. The representation of a data instance in the dataset can either be classical term-document vectors or term-sentence vectors, as the dataset is a collection of documents, and the cosine-like measures are applied here.

Time for action

Here are some practice questions for you to check whether you understood the concepts we covered in this chapter:

  1. What is the PAM clustering algorithm?
  2. What is the k-means algorithm?
  3. What is the k-medoids algorithm?
  4. What is the CLARA algorithm?
  5. What is the CLARANS algorithm?


In this chapter, we looked at:

  • Partition-based clustering.
  • The k-means algorithm is a partition-based clustering algorithm. The centroids of clusters are defined as a representative of each cluster. In k-means clustering, a set of n data points in a D-dimensional space and an integer k are given. The problem is to distribute a set of k points in the centers to minimize the SSE.
  • The k-medoids algorithm is a partition-based clustering algorithm. The representatives of each resulting clusters are chosen from the dataset itself, that is, the data objects belong to it.
  • CLARA depends on sampling. It draws a sample from the original dataset instead of the entire dataset. PAM is then applied to each sampling. Then, the best result is kept during all the iterations.
  • CLARANS is a clustering algorithm based on randomized search.
  • The affinity propagation clustering algorithm recursively passes affinity messages between objects or points and converges to exemplars adaptively.
  • Spectral clustering is used to construct graph partitions based on eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix.
  • Hierarchical clustering decomposes a dataset D into levels of nested clusters; this is represented by a dendrogram, a tree that iteratively splits the dataset D into smaller subsets. The process stops only after each subset consists of only one object.

The next chapter will cover more advanced topics related to clustering algorithms, density-based algorithms, grid-based algorithms, the EM algorithm, high-dimensional algorithms, constraint-based clustering algorithms, and so on.