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Hands-On Data Science with R

By : Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta, Doug Ortiz, Nataraj Dasgupta, Ricardo Anjoleto Farias
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Hands-On Data Science with R

By: Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta, Doug Ortiz, Nataraj Dasgupta, Ricardo Anjoleto Farias

Overview of this book

R is the most widely used programming language, and when used in association with data science, this powerful combination will solve the complexities involved with unstructured datasets in the real world. This book covers the entire data science ecosystem for aspiring data scientists, right from zero to a level where you are confident enough to get hands-on with real-world data science problems. The book starts with an introduction to data science and introduces readers to popular R libraries for executing data science routine tasks. This book covers all the important processes in data science such as data gathering, cleaning data, and then uncovering patterns from it. You will explore algorithms such as machine learning algorithms, predictive analytical models, and finally deep learning algorithms. You will learn to run the most powerful visualization packages available in R so as to ensure that you can easily derive insights from your data. Towards the end, you will also learn how to integrate R with Spark and Hadoop and perform large-scale data analytics without much complexity.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)

Scraping a dwarf name

As silly as it is, I am not moving forward until I have a dwarf name of my own. I am not positive about getting this one directly from the web browser, either. We can do this using the R console alone. This section shows how. The first thing to do is find a website that will generate dwarf names for us. I picked the following one (

Figure 4.1: The Red Dragon Inn's dwarven name generator

The Red Dragon Inn will generate dwarf names, given four parameters:

  • Name, surname, or both
  • Total number of names to generate
  • Gender
  • Realistic or fantasy

Web pages usually communicate with users through a well-known protocol (HTTP). All we have to do is to open browser developer tools while requesting a name, so we can understand what kind of request is done and how. For Windows users, developer tools for...