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Accelerate Deep Learning Workloads with Amazon SageMaker

By : Vadim Dabravolski
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Accelerate Deep Learning Workloads with Amazon SageMaker

By: Vadim Dabravolski

Overview of this book

Over the past 10 years, deep learning has grown from being an academic research field to seeing wide-scale adoption across multiple industries. Deep learning models demonstrate excellent results on a wide range of practical tasks, underpinning emerging fields such as virtual assistants, autonomous driving, and robotics. In this book, you will learn about the practical aspects of designing, building, and optimizing deep learning workloads on Amazon SageMaker. The book also provides end-to-end implementation examples for popular deep-learning tasks, such as computer vision and natural language processing. You will begin by exploring key Amazon SageMaker capabilities in the context of deep learning. Then, you will explore in detail the theoretical and practical aspects of training and hosting your deep learning models on Amazon SageMaker. You will learn how to train and serve deep learning models using popular open-source frameworks and understand the hardware and software options available for you on Amazon SageMaker. The book also covers various optimizations technique to improve the performance and cost characteristics of your deep learning workloads. By the end of this book, you will be fluent in the software and hardware aspects of running deep learning workloads using Amazon SageMaker.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Part 1: Introduction to Deep Learning on Amazon SageMaker
Part 2: Building and Training Deep Learning Models
Part 3: Serving Deep Learning Models

Operationalizing Deep Learning Training

In Chapter 1, Introducing Deep Learning with Amazon SageMaker, we discussed how SageMaker integrates with CloudWatch Logs and Metrics to provide visibility into your training process by collecting training logs and metrics. However, deep learning (DL) training jobs are prone to multiple types of specific issues related to model architecture and training configuration. Specialized tools are required to monitor, detect, and react to these issues. Since many training jobs run for hours and days on large amounts of compute instances, the cost of errors is high.

When running DL training jobs, you need to be aware of two types of issues:

  • Issues with model and training configuration, which prevent the model from efficient learning during training. Examples of such issues include vanishing and exploding gradients, overfitting and underfitting, not decreasing loss, and others. The process of finding such errors is known as debugging.
  • Suboptimal...