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Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python

By : Joos Korstanje
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Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python

By: Joos Korstanje

Overview of this book

Streaming data is the new top technology to watch out for in the field of data science and machine learning. As business needs become more demanding, many use cases require real-time analysis as well as real-time machine learning. This book will help you to get up to speed with data analytics for streaming data and focus strongly on adapting machine learning and other analytics to the case of streaming data. You will first learn about the architecture for streaming and real-time machine learning. Next, you will look at the state-of-the-art frameworks for streaming data like River. Later chapters will focus on various industrial use cases for streaming data like Online Anomaly Detection and others. As you progress, you will discover various challenges and learn how to mitigate them. In addition to this, you will learn best practices that will help you use streaming data to generate real-time insights. By the end of this book, you will have gained the confidence you need to stream data in your machine learning models.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Part 1: Introduction and Core Concepts of Streaming Data
Part 2: Exploring Use Cases for Data Streaming
Part 3: Advanced Concepts and Best Practices around Streaming Data
Chapter 12: Conclusion and Best Practices

Technical requirements

You can find all the code for this book on GitHub at the following link: If you are not yet familiar with Git and GitHub, the easiest way to download the notebooks and code samples is the following:

  1. Go to the link of the repository.
  2. Go to the green Code button.
  3. Select Download ZIP.

When you download the ZIP file, unzip it in your local environment, and you will be able to access the code through your preferred Python editor.

Python environment

To follow along with this book, you can download the code in the repository and execute it using your preferred Python editor.

If you are not yet familiar with Python environments, I would advise you to check out Anaconda (, which comes with the Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLabs, which are both great for executing notebooks. It also comes with Spyder and VSCode for...