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Learning Unity Physics

By : K. Aava Rani
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Learning Unity Physics

By: K. Aava Rani

Overview of this book

<p>Unity is a powerful game development engine that provides rich functionalities to create 2D and 3D games. Developers get the opportunity to build cross-platform mobile and desktop games from scratch. With the increasing interest in using Physics in interactive development, Unity3D offers a cutting-edge platform for simulation, game development, and application development through a user-friendly interface. You will learn the fundamentals of Physics in game development. The book starts by providing a quick introduction on how we can use Physics for interactive development. Furthermore, it provides a detailed description on the uses of Physics material in Unity3D and how we can use different colliders for interaction. The book also focuses on Rigidbodies and Joints, its types and properties. There is also a dedicated section on how we can optimize applications and games if we use Physics in Unity3D. By the end of this book, you will be capable of successfully developing Physics-based simulations, games, and applications.</p>
Table of Contents (14 chapters)


This chapter is a quick introduction to Physics in Unity3D. In this chapter, we learned the use of Physics in an interactive world, built-in components of Unity3D, and frictionless material. In the next chapter, we will learn about colliders and their types, with examples. The chapter will also teach us how we can use different colliders for interaction.