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Parallel Programming with Python

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Parallel Programming with Python

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Parallel Programming with Python
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Using multiprocessing to compute Fibonacci series terms with multiple inputs

Let's implement the case study of processing a Fibonacci series for multiple inputs using the processes approach instead of threads.

The code makes use of the multiprocessing module, and in order to run, it imports some essential modules as we can observe in the following code:

import sys, time, random, re, requests
import concurrent.futures
from multiprocessing import, cpu_count, current_process, Manager

Some imports have been mentioned in the previous chapters; nevertheless, some of the following imports do deserve special attention:

  • cpu_count: This is a function that permits obtaining the quantity of CPUs in a machine

  • current_process: This is a function that allows obtaining information on the current process, for example, its name

  • Manager: This is a type of object that allows sharing Python objects among different processes by means of proxies (for more information, see http://docs...