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RabbitMQ Cookbook

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RabbitMQ Cookbook

Overview of this book

RabbitMQ is an open source message broker software (sometimes called message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). The RabbitMQ server is written in the Erlang programming language and is built on the Open Telecom Platform framework for clustering and failover. Messaging enables software applications to connect and scale. Applications can connect to each other as components of a larger application or to user devices and data. RabbitMQ Cookbook touches on all the aspects of RabbitMQ messaging. You will learn how to use this enabling technology for the solution of highly scalable problems dictated by the dynamic requirements of Web and mobile architectures, based for example on cloud computing platforms. This is a practical guide with several examples that will help you to understand the usefulness and the power of RabbitMQ. This book helps you learn the basic functionalities of RabbitMQ with simple examples which describe the use of RabbitMQ client APIs and how a RabbitMQ server works. You will find examples of RabbitMQ deployed in real-life use-cases, where its functionalities will be exploited combined with other technologies. This book helps you understand the advanced features of RabbitMQ that are useful for even the most demanding programmer. Over the course of the book, you will learn about the usage of basic AMQP functionalities and use RabbitMQ to let decoupled applications exchange messages as per enterprise integration applications. The same building blocks are used to implement the architecture of highly scalable applications like today's social networks, and they are presented in the book with some examples. You will also learn how to extend RabbitMQ functionalities by implementing Erlang plugins. This book combines information with detailed examples coupled with screenshots and diagrams to help you create a messaging application with ease.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
RabbitMQ Cookbook
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Using body serialization with JSON

In AMQP the messages are opaque entities; AMQP does not provide any standard way to encode/decode them.

However, web applications very often use JSON as an application layer format, that is, the JavaScript serialization format that has become a de-facto standard; in this way, the RabbitMQ client Java library can include some utility functions for this task.

On the other side, this is not the only protocol; any application can choose its own protocol (XML, Google Protocol Buffers, ASN.1, or proprietary).

In this example we are showing how to use the JSON protocol to encode and decode message bodies. We are using a publisher written in Java (Chapter01/Recipe04/Java_4/src/rmqexample) and a consumer in Python (Chapter01/Recipe04/Python04).

Getting ready

To use this recipe you will need to set up Java and Python environments as described in the introduction.

How to do it…

To implement a Java producer and a Python consumer, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Java: In addition to the standard import described in the recipe Connecting to the broker, we have to import:

  2. Java: We create a queue that is not persistent:

    String myQueue="myJSONBodyQueue_4";
      channel.queueDeclare(MyQueue, false, false, false, null);
  3. Java: We create a list for the Book class and fill it with example data:

    List<Book>newBooks = new ArrayList<Book>();
      for (inti = 1; i< 11; i++) {
        Book book = new Book();
        book.setBookDescription("History VOL: " + i  );
        book.setAuthor("John Doe");
  4. Java: We are ready to serialize the newBooks instance with JSONwriter:

    JSONWriter rabbitmqJson = new JSONWriter();
    String jsonmessage = rabbitmqJson.write(newBooks);
  5. Java: We can finally send our jsonmessage:

    channel.basicPublish("",MyQueue,null, jsonmessage.getBytes());
  6. Python: To use the Pika library we must add the follow import:

    import pika;
    import json;

    Python has a powerful built-in library for JSON.

  7. Python: In order to create a connection to RabbitMQ, use the following code:

    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(rabbitmq_host));
  8. Python: Let's declare a queue, bind as a consumer, and then register a callback:

    channel =
    my_queue = "myJSONBodyQueue_4"
    channel.basic_consume(consumer_callback, queue=my_queue, no_ack=True) 

How it works…

After we set up the environments (step 1 and step 2), we serialize the newbooks class with the method write(newbooks). The method returns a JSON String (jsonmessage) as shown in the following code snippet:

    "author" : "John Doe",
    "bookDescription" : "History VOL: 1",
    "bookID" : 1
    "author" : "John Doe",
    "bookDescription" : "History VOL: 2",
    "bookID" : 2

In step 4 we publish jsonmessage to the queue myJSONBodyQueue_4. Now the Python Consumer can get the message from the same queue. Let's see how to do it in Python:

  connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(rabbitmq_host));
  channel =
  queue_name = "myJSONBodyQueue_4"
  channel.basic_consume(consumer_callback, queue=my_queue, no_ack=True) 

As we have seen in the Java implementation, we must create a connection and then create a channel. With the method channel.queue_declare(queue=myQueue), we declare a queue that is not durable, exclusive or autodelete. In order to change the queue's attribute, it's enough to add the parameter in the queue_declare method as follows:



When different AMQP clients declare the same queue, it's important that all of them specify the same durable, exclusive, and autodelete attributes. Otherwise, channel.queue_declare() will raise an exception.

With the method channel.basic_consume(), the client starts consuming messages from the given queue, invoking the callback consumer_callback()where it will receive the messages.

While the callbacks in Java were defined in the consumer interface, in Python they are just passed to basic_consume(), in spite of the more functional, less declarative, and less formal paradigm typical of Python.

The callback consumer_callback is as follows:

def consumer_callback(ch, method, properties, body):
  print" Count books:",len(newBooks);
  for item in newBooks:
    print 'ID:',item['bookID'], '-Description:',item['bookDescription'],' -Author:',item['author']

The callback takes the message, deserializes it with json.loads(), and then the newBooks structure is ready to be read.

There's more…

The JSON helper tools included in the RabbitMQ client library are very simple, but in a real project you can evaluate them to use an external JSON library. For example, a powerful Java JSON library is google-gson ( or jackson (