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Practical Mobile Forensics, - Third Edition

By : Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty
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Practical Mobile Forensics, - Third Edition

By: Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty

Overview of this book

Covering up-to-date mobile platforms, this book will focuses on teaching you the most recent techniques for investigating mobile devices. We delve mobile forensics techniques in iOS 9-11, Android 7-8 devices, and Windows 10. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from the cloud, and document and prepare reports of your investigations. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and the relevant techniques to recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
iOS Data Analysis and Recovery


Mobile devices store a wide range of information, such as SMS, call logs, browser history, chat messages, location details, and so on. Mobile device forensics includes many approaches and concepts that fall outside the boundaries of traditional digital forensics. Extreme care should be taken while handling the device, right from the evidence intake phase to the archiving phase. Examiners responsible for mobile devices must understand the different acquisition methods and the complexities of handling the data during analysis. Extracting data from a mobile device is half the battle. The operating system, security features, and type of smartphone will determine the amount of access you have to the data. It is important to follow sound forensic practices and make sure that the evidence is unaltered during the investigation.

The next chapter will provide an insight into iOS forensics. You will learn about the filesystem layout, security features, and the way files are stored on an iOS device.